Lets come to order

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Fade in to Church and Tex in the main building.

Tex: What is this about Church?

Church: (Sarcastically) Oh I don't know, maybe because you kept the fact that I have a DAUGHTER!

Tex: Who told you?

Church: I went back in time and found out. When were you going to tell me?

Tex: Look church, it's a bit complicated.

Church: Yeah it is! I thought we used protection!

Tex: That's not what I meant!

Church: Was she born after I was deported!

Tex: Thea is not your daughter!

Church: Oh yeah, well maybe I'll find out on my own!

Church walks away.

Tex: Where are you going?

Church: Going to ask my 'daughter' some questions!

Tex:............. God Damn it.

Thea was with Tucker trying to turn on his sword.

Thea: How do you get this thing to work?

Tucker: Just press the button.

Thea: I am! Stupid thing doesn't work.

Tucker: (Laughs) Maybe you can't get it up?

Thea glares at him and gives him back his sword.

Thea: If you were in the Jedi conceal you'd be kicked out in a heartbeat.

Tucker: What does that-. Hey church.

Tucker noticed Church walking up to them and Thea looks at him as well.

Church: Yeah hey. (To Thea) It's Thea right?

Thea: Yeah, why?

Church: I need you to come with me.

Thea: Okay?

They walk away while leaving Tucker alone.

Tucker: I have bad feeling about this.

Church and Thea meet up with Tex.

Thea: Hey Tex.

Tex: Hey.

Thea: So, what's this about?

Church looks at Thea, in desperate need of answers.

Church: Let me ask you something: What's your last name?

Thea: Why?

Church: Just tell me.

Tex: Church don't-.

Thea: It's okay Tex. It's Thea Church, why?

Church: SEE! I was right.

Thea: Right about what?

Church: That your my daughter.

Thea: Wait what?

Church: She's your mom, who happens to be my girlfriend and your last name happens to be Church. So your my daughter!

Thea: Church wait.

Church walks away while saying that he was right. Thea and Tex look at each other.

Thea: Can I tell him?

Tex: No, you know what happened.

Thea: I know, I just don't want him to be broken when he finds out the truth.

Red vs blue (Female OC) season 3Where stories live. Discover now