Emma Returns

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We have to wait until November for my older self to return. Sky calls her every day to let her know she's all right. I almost walked in on one of those conversations once; I quickly turned around and walked out.

Soon, November arrives. Luke, Clyde, Rani, the queens and I have tests we have to study for, so sadly, we spend less time with Sky. I still try to spend as much time with her as possible, but I have many tests coming up. I usually have to ask Sky to try me again later. At the beginning of November, I created a timetable for myself to spend time with Sky. But as I get more and more work, the time I can spend with Sky diminishes to almost nothing.

'Do you not care about me anymore, Mummy?' Sky asks one day. We still haven't sent her to school yet. Mummy's worried that will be the best place for Ms Meyers to take her. We all agree that she's safer at home.
'Of course, I care, Sky! I've just got lots of things to do. I'm sorry, I wish I could spend more time with you.'

Emma dashes over as soon as she can and pulls Sky into a hug. 'I missed you so much!' She sobs.
'I missed you too, Mummy.'
'Oh, let me look at you.' Emma holds Sky at arm's length and smiles. 'Oh, you're so beautiful. Isabella is setting up the guest room ready for you.'
'What?' Mum asks. She's staring at Emma in shock. 'Emma, you can't!'
'And why not?'
'Ms Meyers is probably still looking for Sky, so she'll be safer here.'
'And we've grown used to having Sky around,' Mummy adds. 'We love her company.'
'Brianna said Ms Meyers gave up.'
'Oh, so we're basing everything on something a person from the '30s said?' Rani asks. 'Miss Meyers could be saying that for a show, and if we leave Sky alone-'
'I won't let Miss Meyers take my daughter. Whenever I go to sea, Sky can come with me.'
'But she'll still be alone,' Jane says. 'Emma, this can't be like before. We can't come with you when you go out to sea. Sky will still find herself unprotected, and it might not take Miss Meyers long to kidnap her.'
'We need to think about this logically,' Anna agrees. 'You love Sky, and you want what's best for her. I'm sure you both want to spend time together, and your mums won't stop you. But We will protect Sky better here.'
'But what if Miss Meyers doesn't come back? What then?'
'I'm afraid we cannot rely on that. Miss Meyers could strike at any moment, and-'

'What, like now?' A woman interrupts. She looks like she's in her early thirties, with her blonde hair tied in a tight bun. She has a pendant around her neck, and she's wearing a dark blue t-shirt and leggings. She also has knee-length boots and what looks like a fur coat. It could be faux fur, but you never know with aliens. 'If you don't hand over the child, the Metalkind will come here to find and destroy her. Not only her but everyone on this planet.'
'I have to save you, Mummy,' Sky says. 'I've got to save Earth.'
'But you didn't want to go back to her,' I say. 'You don't need to do what she says.'
'I want to save you, Mummy.' Sky turns to my older self. 'I might never get another chance to say this, so I'm going to say it now. Thank you for everything. You showed me what life could be like, and you taught me almost everything I know. Thank you.' Sky steps back towards Miss Meyers. 'And if this is the last time I see you, I love you so much.'
'Sky, please, don't do this!' Rani says. 'You've still got a choice.'
'Earth is my home; I have to save her.' Sky steps away from us again, and Miss Meyers grabs her. Sky winces, then composes herself.

She's trying to be brave for us.

Miss Meyers presses a button on her pendant, and a ball of blue light appears behind her and Sky. She pulls Sky through it, and the two of them disappear. Emma tries to run after them, but the light fades. Sky is gone.

Not even all the alien technology we had could save Sky. Miss Meyers still took her.

I glance down at my tear-stained diary pages. I have stuck a picture of me with Sky on the opposite page. It feels like years since that happened. Was it only a couple of months ago?

I go onto YouTube to find some new music to listen to. I need to do something to take my mind off Sky. I press on a random video, and some beautiful music starts playing. It almost sounds like it is building up to something. I check what I clicked on.

Titanic the Musical, In Every Age.

I guess the music seems fitting. I sit back and listen to it. I smile when the person, I think he's meant to be Mr Andrews, starts singing. His voice seems gentle, and then I notice what he's singing about. He is comparing all of the different wonders of the world to the Titanic.

The music then changes to another song. I continue listening as someone describes the Titanic. I can see it clearly in my mind as he sings, and I smile. I can see why Sky loved the musical.

She loves the musical; I correct myself. Sky is not dead.

I end up listening to most of the musical before someone comes to check on me. It's Mum and Mummy. I pause the music and find I've got up to the end of the song Still. There are four songs left—the musical looks at people from all walks of life on the Titanic. For the first time, I'm an officer! 'What are you listening to?' Mum asks.
'Titanic the Musical. It's amazing!'
'Oh, okay,' Mummy says. 'That's good to hear.'
'How do you feel about Sky?' Mum asks she and Mummy sit on the bed.
'It still hurts,' I look at the photograph on my bedside table. 'But Sky wanted to protect us. I'm proud of her, but she should've stayed.'
'She wanted to protect us. It shows where her loyalties lie.'
'Do you think we'll see her again?'
'You certainly will. As for the rest of us... I don't know. But there is still that chance.'

Catalina comes to check on me later. 'Your older self has already left for the sea.'
'But she only just got back!' I argue.
'She came back for her daughter.' She looks at the music I'm playing. 'I thought we agreed you'd wait to listen to the Titanic musical.'
'We did,' I agree. 'I stumbled across it by accident.' I'm still on Still. 
'We've not got past this song yet. We like pausing each of them and discussing what we think they mean.'

The next song is called My Unborn Daughter. I wonder what that one will be like. 'Emma, let us listen to that song first,' Catalina says. 'We want to make sure you can cope with it.'
'I'm sure I can,' I assure her. 'You can't predict everything I'll do.'
'That's true. What's your favourite song?'
'So far, it's I Must Get On That Ship. It's a good song and introduces some of the characters effectively. What about you?'
'It's either To The Lifeboats, or We'll Meet Tomorrow.'

Catalina sits on the bed. 'Emma, please, let us listen to the rest of the musical before you do. We don't want a similar situation to '96 and '97.'
'I know,' I agree. 'I will.'

I close the tab that has the Titanic Musical soundtrack playing. 'Anna likes it,' Catalina says. 'It seems to be the only piece about the Titanic that has her husband in it.'
'Didn't Herbert Pitman leave early on during the sinking?'
'Yeah. Most Titanic filmmakers neglect to mention Herbert Pitman and make you a passenger instead of an officer. When will they get their facts right?'
'Unless we do something? Probably never.'
'We do something?' Catalina repeats. She seems to be in deep thought. 'That's it! Emma, you're brilliant!'
'I am?'
'Of course, you are! I'll talk to the other queens. Thanks for that.' Catalina runs out of the room.

What idea did I give Catalina this time?

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