a fight in the glade

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Minho's P.O.V

Newt and I were walking; him to go get Marie out from the Slammer and I to go running. If I'm going to be honest, I didn't think she deserved to go in the Slammer, Gally deserved to get punched!

I had almost reached the Map room when Gally and his little group of followers came walking up to us. I rolled my eyes to Newt before they reached us.

"Hey Minho, hey Newt-y, where's your little girlfriend?" He asked mockingly causing all the boys to snigger childishly. A wave of anger washed over me when he mentioned Marie. I'm sure it's just a crush...she's the only girl in the Glade.

"Shut up, Gally. Just go away and leave us be, alright?" Newt sighed rolling his eyes at Gally's remark.
"What? Is Newt-y embarrassed of his girlfriend? Is she not hot enough? Because I think she's hot enough, don't you agree boys?" Gally exclaimed smirking at all the boys cheering in agreement.

Immediately in anger I leaped onto Gally and began throwing punches at his stupid face. Soon enough, Newt was thrown into the mix which I felt kind of bad about. Afterwards. At that time all I could care about was hurting Gally.

Marie's P.O.V

I woke up to what sounded like a fight. You could hear the sounds of someone's fist connecting to, what I presume wad, another person's face.

Quickly, I scrambled to my feet almost hitting my head on the low ceiling of the Slammer. I peered out of the door to see Newt and Minho fighting against Gally and a few of his builder friends. Punches were being thrown everywhere and a small crowd had begun to form around them cheering each 'team' on.

I continuously rattled on the door, desperate to get out and break them up but the shuck bears were holding good. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Alby storming over not looking very happy...

He quickly managed to break them up by threatening to throw their 'shuck asses in the Slammer for a week'.

Everyone in the Glade seemed to have woken up which meant the Runners (apart from Minho) were already in the Maze. What happened to 'you'll be out in the morning, bright and early' ?

I sighed in frustration before poking my head out of one of the gaps.
"Hey! Hey, you bunch of slintheads!" I shouted in attempt to catch their attention, which I did. "Let me out of this shuck cage!"

Gally and his 'band of merry men' stormed away. Gally rolling his eyes and rubbing his bleeding nose as he went. Minho helped Newt, who had fallen down during the fight due to his dodgy leg, up and handed him off to Jeff before lightly jogging over to me.

"What was that all about?" I asked incredulously as he unlocked the door.
"It...it was nothing. Just Gally being a slinthead as usual." He replied casually, finally managing to get the door unlocked and helping my out.
"Hey, Newt was the one telling me not to go around punching people. Now look at him." I muttered to which Minho laughed in reply.
"We should probably go check if he's okay!" Minho suggested picking up his pace as we walked towards where the med-jacks were attending to Newt.

Part Of The Book *The Maze Runner*Where stories live. Discover now