welcome to the glade

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"Holy shuck" One of the boys, which I manged to identify by his blonde hair and British accent as Newt.

"It's a girl!" Another person shouted in bewilderment. 

"What the heck am I doing here?" I exclaimed standing up firmly making everyone jump slightly.

"Calm down, greenie-" Alby began edging closer towards me before I interuppted him

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? I'm in the fricken' Glade and you're telling me to calm down!"  I shouted with a sudden burst of anger "It's not real, it's not real, it's not real" I began muttering to myself as I was pacing back and forth in the small box that confined me.

How on earth was I in the Glade? The Maze Runner was not real! That freaky librarian had probably drugged me, this can not be happening... All I wanted to do was go home. Home? Where was home? I couldn't remember my home, where was I from. I was forgetting everything. 

"No, no, NO!" I screamed clutching my head "This can't be happening! Where am I?" I began crying uncontrollably as the myserious boys watched in confusion.

"Bloody hell, Greenie. No one's been this upset before, you just need to relax." Newt attempted to comfort me and placed a hand on my shoulder which I immediately shrugged off.

"Y-you don't understand. don't understand, where am I? Who am I? This wasn't supposed to happen!" I cried still sobbing.

"Just slim it, alright! Newt, take her to the med-jacks and make sure she's not broken or something. We'll have a gathering later." Alby confirmed before Newt pulled me up and practically dragged me to the homestead. How did I know these things? Once we entered, Newt led me upstairs to where Clint and Jeff seemed to be tending to a very sick looking person. Ben I thought. 

Once Clint saw me he strolled over and began picking up my limbs and studing them, looking inside of my ears and shining a light into my eyes. Aftere he confirmed I was okay Newt and I sat down as he began to explain things.

"So, Greenie, you're in the Glade now." He began and looked like he was studying my face for any signs of confusion.

"I know I'm in the Glade! For shuck's sake, I know what the homestead is, what the bloodhouse is, I know about the deadheads, I understand the greenie system, I know about the Maze, the grievers, even WICKED, I know about everything except why I know this and who the hell I am!" I exclaimed in frustration beginning to feel tears well up in  my eyes again.

"Bloody hell, we need a gathering now." He stated picking up my hands firmly and started leading me to where Alby was then. Not going to lie, the trip was kinda (and when I say kinda I mean extremely) awkward because I think Newt underestimated the amount of time needed to get to Alby so we were going rather slowly, because of his limp, and just holding hands. Awkward.

We finally reached Alby and Newt finally let go of my hands, to be honest I was a little sad about that...don't question it, and told Alby what I had said.

"Let me get this straight; you know everything about the Glade but have no idea why or who on earth you are?" Alby asked me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Bingo!" I replied smiling innocently...

"I have a feeling everything's about to change" Alby muttered, shaking his head. Where had I heard someone say that before?


Boom! Lovely short chapter for ya'll...okay yep it's short but the chapters will get longer over time. Plus, I lent my friend the maze runner so I have nothing except my extremely bad memory to take references from...so don't hate me. Also, thankyou thankyou thankyou for the reads!! Xx - M

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