Ignored, part 2/3: Sakuatsu

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Three days. It had been three days since Kiyoomi had touched him. For Atsumu, that was a long time, even with Sakusa's germaphobia. Atsumu tried to ignore it and excuse it, but each passing hour made it worse.

As upset as Atsumu was with Sakusa, he still didn't want to do this 'challenge' at all. He knew Sakusa probably wouldn't care, but what if something did happen?

Atsumu sighed and stared up at his ceiling. He was tired of thinking so much, he just wanted a break, so he closed his eyes.


Sakusa was angry. He was angry at himself for not touching Atsumu at all for the last few days. He wanted so so so much to be held in his arms casually and give him little kisses, but every time the opportunity arose he would think of skin, of its awful texture, of the microscopic bugs that crawled across it, and he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

Sakusa loved Atsumu very much, and he could tell that he was upset as well, which only made things all the worse.

The next day neither of them texted at all, and neither of them visited after school, both of them were waiting for the other one to start off.

A few days later Sakusa decided that he was sick of how isolated the two of them were, and he took his bike over to the Miya's household.

The door opened for Sakusa and he was met with Osamu. He was chewing some food, and as soon as he saw Sakusa he turned around and yelled up the stairs; "OI, TSUMU, SAKUSA IS HERE!".

Sakusa sighed inwardly. He was happy to see his boyfriend again.

Atsumu came running down the stairs and Sakusa braces himself to have Atsumu's weight hugging him, but it didn't come. He opened his eyes and saw Atsumu standing in front of him with a smile.

Sakusa felt robbed, but he didn't day a word and walked past Atsumu to his bedroom. The two had been binging Your Lie In April together and were on the last few episodes.

As usual, Atsumu complained about missing the first intro, but Sakusa also noticed how far from him Atsumu sat.

(Spoiler's for Your Lie In April Ahead)

Throughout the next episode, the two became very engrossed in the show, but Sakusa couldn't shake the feeling Atsumu was giving him.

Sakusa watched the screen as the girl, Kaori began to suffer in the hospital while Kousei watched on helpless, and through the screen that lonely helpless feeling travelled to Sakusa and burdened him greatly.

An episode or two later, Kaori passed away and Sakusa's mind began to wander in ways he wished it wouldn't. What if something happened to Atsumu? What if Atsumu was injured, or killed, or got a life threatening disease? What would he- what could Sakusa even do?

Tears coursed down his cheeks, now a feeling of guilt travelling over him. Was it because he was constantly pushing Atsumu away? Was Atsumu trying to "bother" him less?

Sakusa looked away from Atsumu, hoping his silent tears would go unnoticed. There's nothing he could actually do about them at this point. His worries about Atsumu mixed with the emotions from the show were a lot for him to handle.

(Spoilers over :3)

Atsumu never missed a beat with his boyfriend however, and was sent into a state of panic. Crying? Omi crying? Was it his fault? Was it just the movie? Should be be worried? His first instinct was to wrap his arms around the boy and tell him kind words, but the challenge surfaced in his mind and he stayed, frozen. Finally he realized what he had most likely done, and moved closer, sanitizing his hands quickly before grabbing Sakusa's hand. The last thing he wanted to do right now is trigger his germaphobia.

Sakusa gripped Atsumu's hand back, trembling slightly but kept looking away.

"Hey Omi, can you look me?" Came the loving caring voice of Atsumu. Sakusa looked over a little, revealing his tear stained face, filled with fear and guilt.

"Oh, is it just the movie or something else Omi? " Atsumu said in a much softer voice than usual. Sakusa pointed at Atsumu and opened his mouth. Instead of anything in his mind coming out, a flow of angry words.

"You're a bitch. You're making me so worried! Are you angry at me yes or no? I can't read you at all! Tsumu, what's with you!" Angry and scared tears flowed down Sakusa's face.

Atsumu, taken aback, took his arms away from Sakusa, his face dropping into a surprised and hurt expression. The guilt felt like a punch in the stomach.

"Omi.... I'm sorry Omi... I didn't..." Atsumu stuttered. Sakusa almost never yelled at him or said anything cruel or called him any names beside Tsumu, Moron, and idiot. Atsumu wasn't angry though. He knew it's he deserved that.

Sakusa immediately regretted his outburst and looked away.

"Omi... I'm so sorry Omi, I didn't know it would bother you so much." Atsumu decided against telling Sakusa that it was a challenge yet, something like this was bound to happen anyways. "I just thought you might've liked me to distance myself a bit so you could relax a little... Bad idea I guess."

Sakusa lowered his head and was still as he pushed the tears back. Atsumu began to rub his back gently, "Breath Omi, breath. Its okay, I love you Omi."

Sakusa sat up and scooted closer to Atsumu, leaning against him gently. The tears really started coming down.

"I I-love you asw-well, I'm so-sorry for pushing you away." Sakusa gripped onto Atsumu tightly while Atsumu brushed his hand through his hair.

"Omi, you're okay! We're fine." Atsumu sighed. Time to fess up... "Listen Omi, this is all entirely my fault." Sakusa looked up to Atsumu with a confused expression.

"Huh?" Sakusa had a confused expression on his face as he looked up at his boyfriend through teary eyes.

Atsumu hated the idea of explaining, so he just went to the "poor ignored boyfriends" group chat and scrolled to the top, handing the device to Sakusa.

"Just read this, I feel way to bad too say it out loud." Atsumu said quietly.

Sakusa scrolled down. Does not sound fun. Not that ignored. He felt a mix of emotions. Firstly, guilt that Atsumu had been added to the chat, next, pride when he resisted, then anger when they got Atsumu to do this. He put down the phone and leaned on Atsumu, the saddest, meekest, subdued little "Oh." Coming from his mouth.

Atsumu could've sworn his heart shattered. It was the worst he had ever felt. He wrapped his arms around Sakusa so tightly it was as if he would die if he let go. "Omi, I love you. I love you. I'm so so sorry Omi."

The two sat there, miserable yet relieved in each other's arms.

"Omi?" Omi I missed you. I know you can't help being germaphobic, and I was being awful about it. I just want to be near you. From now on if something like this happens, I'll take showers and sanitize and wear masks just so I can be near you." Atsumu said seriously.

Sakusa leaned his head on Atsumu's shoulder. He smiled a little and rubbed his back.

Atsumu loved the way Sakusa felt, and he didn't want this any other way.


"Hm? "

"You said Toru's life was on the line, correct?"

"Mhm. That's right. You want to go get him soon?" Atsumu grinned amused. As Sakusa nodded.

They were alright, they probably always would be. Now, With Oikawa and Iwaizumi.....

Cute Haikyuu OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora