Arankita: Bus rides

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Please note that this chapter is by all means, not the happiest. There aren't any trigger warnings though, so enjoy crying a bit :)
Also, credit goes to the artist (who I am unaware of :(

It had been a long day after losing their game against Karasuno, and the bus was unusually quiet for the particular team.

Atsumu was texting Sakusa with tears streaming down his face, Suna was sleeping on Osamu's shoulder while Osamu scrolled through his phone. Ren was staring out of the window with a frown on his face and Akagi sat beside him looking the other way. Hitoshi was sobbing silently. I'm front of him Kita was looking out the window and away from everyone else, keeping his face hidden. Aran sat next to.him and was reading texts from his mom.

Hey love! You did really good, so did the rest of your team. I have ribs for when you get home, try not to get to down about your loss, okay? As long as you enjoyed yourself, that's what matters.

Somehow what she said made it worse. His eyebrows knit and his lip trembled slightly, but before he could cry, he felt something fall gently onto his shoulder. It seemed that Kita had fallen asleep. Despite the disappointment from the match, he had to smile when he saw how relaxed Kita looked when he slept.

He considered weather to wake him up or not, but decided against it. Aran could see the tear mark on his cheeks, and knew that Kita deserved a bit of rest.

He thought about the game some more and went over everything in his head. They had made minimal mistakes, how was it possible that they had lost, against the fallen school Karasuno no less? Every one of his spikes had no flaws, yet they were stopped and shut down.

He looked down to his lap and watched a few drops fall and land there. He was so tired, exhausted, emotionally worn out, frustrated, he didn't know what to do.

Some movement next to him made him look up, and he saw Kita's open eyes.

Kita dug into his bag and handed Aran a pack of tissues and patted his shoulder gently. Aran smiled back sadly and put the tissues to use, neither of them wanting to talk, afraid to disturb the silence of the bus.

Finally the voice of Akagi in the back spoke clearly;

"Well nobody else is talking about this, so I'm just going to say it. I'm going to miss you all, okay? I had a l-lot of fun playing with you all and I w-wish I could've stayed longer." Akagi's words were all that it took to set off half the place.

Kita's lip began to tremble, he had been trying not to think about how this had been his last game of volleyball with the team. He had begun to tremble a bit, when then, Atsumu's stuffed up voice could be heard.

"Mhm, I'm gonna m-miss you guys a ton... W-what'll we do without K-Kita, or Aran, or Ren or Akagi... We n-need them!" Atsumu tried to wipe his still streaming eyes.

Suna who had woken up just before Akagi's declaration, leaned back into Osamu before mumbling sadlly;

"Yeah, Kita was the only reason our team wasn't entirely chaotic. He kind of held us together.

Kita put the back of his hand up to his mouth to keep himself quiet. Aran offered him back the tissues, but instead of taking them from Aran, he leaned into his chest in some kind of a hug. Aran, surprised, took a moment before he put his arms around Kita, and began smoothing his hair in the most comforting way he knew.

Everyone else had started talking to each other and hadn't really noticed this interaction, so Aran kept holding Kita gently, trying to control his own tears as well.

After ten minutes or so, Kita looked up at Aran with red eyes, and apologised, letting him know that he didn't have to keep hugging him.

"Do you like this?" Aran asked gently. " 'cause I don't have to let go of you don't want. "

Kita smiled slightly, and moved over closer, with Arans arm around him so that he could lean into his chest a bit.

It didn't take long for Kita to fall asleep again, but this time Aran dozed off as well, resting his head on Kita's.

Aran woke up to a quiet shutter sound half an hour later. Kita was halfway in his lap and had his arms wrapped around Aran loosely. Aran went a little red and took a few quick pictures, before tucking his phone back in his pocket and preparing to wake Kita up, since they were almost back at their school.

He ruffled Kita's hair gently and spoke quietly in his ear.

"Hey... Kita? You have to wake up now, we're almost back." Kita squirmed a bit and suddenly jumped back, noticing how close he was.

"Sorry, sorry! I hope you weren't uncomfortable-" Kita said with a light blush across his features.

"No, it's fine." Aran smiled.

Oh, I wish I didn't have to wake him up, I bet he thinks I was awake the whole time. Oh but, "it was cute..."

Kita went more pink and looked away, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to say the last part outloud!" Aran apologised, blushing as well from his own mistake.

"it's okay, I don't mind" Kita said. He pulled out his phone and began typing something or other.

Fuck fuck that was not supposed to be said outloud- wow really slick Aran. Real, discreet

Only moments later, the school came into view and the bus slowed to a stop. Aran slid out of the seat and stood aside for Kita to walk in front.

He started following him, when he realized the he had forgotten his ear buds back on the seat, so he came back to get them. When he went back however, he realized that Kita had forgotten his phone aswell.

Aran picked them both up, and Kita's phone opened automatically, showing his opened notes app.

So we lost the game. Everyone is really disappointed, and I'm having a hard time of it to. I honestly really don't want to leave the team.
I felt a bit better after I had some rest, but I guess I had gotten really close to Aran in my sleep, I hope he didn't mind. He also said it was cute though. Personally, I think he's cute. I know the gods are watching, but I wonder how much they would mind if I liked guys?

Aran smiled slightly and ran off the bus. He ran after Kita and handed him his phone.

"Here, you forgot this. You have my number on there?" He made sure. Kita nodded.

Aran leaned down slightly and whispered into Kita's ear; "I'd like to go out with you sometime, so text me, okay?" He gave Kita a little smile and waved goodbye, walking off back to his mother's car, leaving behind a startled and pink faced Kita.

Has ending stories always been so difficult or have I just gotten worse- ;-;
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