Chapter 35

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Several Hours Later In Konoha:

Minato sat at his desk, holding a bottle of Shochu. He pulled his hair in frustration, looking out his window to see the rising sun, "Fuck me." Minato whispered, standing up to open said window. Taking in a deep breath, Minato slumped over the edge, falling to his knees mumbling to himself.

"Please let them come back, please let them come back, please let them come back..." he mumbled over and over again. But that soon stopped when he heard knocking.

"Sensei? Can I talk with you?" Kakashi asked from the other side.

"Yeah, let yourself in," Minato stated, "I don't feel like opening the door."

Kakashi opened the door and stepped into the room, recoiling at the sight of his sensei. Walking over to the man, Kakashi could smell the alcohol coming off him.

"How ya doing, sensei?" Kakashi asked, bending over to grab the bottle from Minato's hand

"Not good, Kakashi, not good at all," Minato replied, bringing up the bottle to his lips, only to be disappointed when nothing came out. So, he chucked the bottle across the room, bouncing off the floor and the wall and into a garbage can.

"At least you're honest about the situation at hand," Kakashi pulled out his orange book and sat next to Minato, who was still hung out of the window, "so, you wanna hear about Tenzo and his plus one?"

"Sure." Minato's voice was filled with sadness and was somber.

"Well, the ANBU that he brought back won't be working for a while. One of his lungs was punctured as well as two of his ribs were broken. Then there's his spin, as he was carried back with one of the disks popped. Tenzo was safe and sound... and speaking of, about Naruto-"

When Kakashi mentioned his son's name, Minato perked up, pulling himself out of the window and looking at him

"What about my son? Is he okay? What happened? Why didn't he bring my son back with him?!" Minato asked question after question, much to Kakashi's annoyance.

"Well, sensei, Tenzo could've only brought back the ANBU. But, Naruto was in the safe capable hands of Tsume and the ANBU Captain that was sent." Kakashi explained.


"We also sent out a search party a few hours ago." Kakashi stated, putting his book away, "They haven't returned since last night and some of the higher-ups, specifically the other clan heads, were getting worried."

"Why would they be worried? Wouldn't they've seen this as an opportunity to gain power and expand the clans?"

"Well, the ones that expressed their worry were the Nara and Hyuga, as the Nara Clan found themselves the idea of something like this to be 'troublesome' and the Hyuga as 'something like this would disgrace Konoha, and by extension, the Hyuga Clan.'." Kakashi stated, imitating the voice of Hisashi Hyuga, making Minato chuckle

"Yeah, I guess so... have they found anything?"

"No, not yet, but I am expecting them to show up sometime s-"

"LORD HOKAGE! WE'VE FOUND THE RETRIEVAL TEAM IN INJURED CONDITION! THEY'VE BEEN RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL THE MOMENT WE'VE RETURNED!" an ANBU appeared in the room on his knees. Minato jumped up, hitting his head on the top of the window sill, and turned back to the ANBU.


"Lady Tsume was placed in room 213-B and-" but before the ANBU could say anymore, Minato had vanished in a yellow flash.

At The Hospital:

Tsume sat in her bed, covered in bandages, with Kuromaru on her lap, also with bandages. They sat in silence before Tsume said: "I wonder if there's anything good on TV?" as she reached for the remote and turned on the TV.

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