seventeen | children are fucking stupid

839 54 263

warnings: multiple mentions of drugs/addictive substances, needles, police

he's a fucking dumbass


When Tommy woke up, it was light enough out that Wilbur had opened the blinds and curtains and shut off the lamps. He rolled over with mutters of discomfort to find his phone and check the time.

eleven am poggers, was hoping to get past noon but whatever

He sat up with numerous grunts, shifting around and rubbing his eyes to get his waking bearings. He was always a fan of just forcing himself to wake up instead of going slowly.

He also quickly noticed that the apartment was, in fact, quiet, meaning either that Wilbur was fucking dead or he was at work. Though, according to the note on the coffee table, it seemed that Wilbur at least was alive long enough to write a quick departing letter.

hey goblin don't fucking destroy my place of residence. i'm at work and will be back at about five-thirty. you can explore and shit just don't make me spend three hours cleaning up after you. you're welcome to anything in the fridge or cabinets except for the spaghetti-os and my sausages. i know exactly how many there were before i left and that number better stay the same or you will no longer have a windpipe to whine out of. love you little shit

-wilby, <3 (derogatory)

As much as that made Tommy instantly want to eat Spaghetti-os and sausages, he refrained from pissing his brother off too much. He also knew faintly of his issues with eating from conversations between Phil and Techno, so he figured it would be good to save anything that Wilbur was willing to eat.

heart derogatory. i will kill him. neck: snapped. L.

Tommy stretched his hands out in front of him, stifling a shiver. He shook it off and went to explore Wilbur's food stash.

Said food stash was actually pretty small, consisting of the aforementioned sausages and Spaghetti-os, some mac-and-cheese, apples, eggs, and instant ramen.

Shitty diet.

Tommy decided it was time for some master-chef shit. He grabbed himself some ramen and an egg, then filled a saucepan with water and put it on to boil. In the meantime, he opened the ramen package and removed the seasoning. He ransacked all cabinets in search of bowls, eventually managing to find one, and used the ice dispenser on the fridge to put four ice cubes in the bowl. because it gets hot. tommy doesn't like it when the ramen burns him :(

He set the bowl of ice on top of a kitchen towel so he could carry it without hurting his hands. bowl too hot :(

Now that the water was boiling, Tommy dumped the block of noodles into the water, followed by the egg. He faintly remembered seeing somebody do it once, and it looked okay? Surely he was too powerful for salmonella, even if this didn't work. While it cooked, Tommy glanced over at the seasoning packet.

i could snort you, he thought. because he technically could

He then added the snortable packet into the water, turning off the heat. The egg looked cooked enough that there was a possibility he wouldn't contract some kind of disease.

oh yeah it's master chef time, move over gordon ramsay

He carefully dumped the noodle soup into his bowl of ice. He put the saucepan in the sink, grabbing the bowl using the kitchen towel. safety :)

Needless to say, the meal was fine, and the egg didn't actually taste terribly undercooked. After putting his dishes away and washing them, Tommy started to wander.

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