two | raccoon roundworm and gremlin kids

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warnings: misgendering, dysphoria, extended discussion of raccoon roundworm and its effects


The Doom Car lurched to a sputtering stop that always made it sound on the verge of death. Tommy was out of his seat in seconds, the older pair trailing behind. Tommy threw himself at a swingset, while Wilbur climbed onto a big, sun-warmed rock. It had footholds on the side for little kids who wanted their tries at scaling the stone, as well.

Speaking of little kids, two were clawing their way up the stone, pushing and kicking one another. One boy clutched a small tin of LEGOs, then rattled it loudly.

"Miss, do you like my LEGOs?" the boy asked. Wilbur looked up, then around, to see if the kid could have possibly been talking to anyone else, but there wasn't.

"I'm not a miss, I'm a sir," Wilbur mumbled.

it's the tits it's the feminine-ass hips it's the hair poking out of the beanie

"Oh. Well, you don't look like a sir," the kid said, looking a little pissed. "Ma'am, miss, girl, woman! That's what you're like."

fucking children.

"I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop that." The kid should find himself lucky that Wilbur was holding a tight restraint on his rage.

"She's like you, Annie!" the boy announced to his sister. "All girlish and pretty."

never show weakness to a child, dumbass.

"You would not believe the amount of self-control it is taking to not push you off of this rock right now," Wilbur hissed, stifling tears.

tears are girl shit, aren't they?

Wilbur put his head in his hands. He didn't even look up at the sound of feet hitting mulch and the screech of a small child.

"Problem solved," came Techno's voice.

"What did you fucking do to the toddler?" Wilbur slowly looked up.

"I didn't actually do anything," Techno admitted. "Tommy whispered swear words in their ears until they went to go cry to their mother."

swear words that relate to women, like bitch and cunt. mother, like how women are. what if i accidentally became a mother? how would i convince people that i'm a boy? imagine what a hell that would be.

"Wil, are you doing the thing where we accidentally say something vaguely related to femininity and then you spiral without telling anybody?" Tommy pulled the brunet's arm. "Because don't."

"Dear brother, boy-ass masculine man, would you like to go somewhere without small children?" Techno suggested.

"Yeah." Wilbur rubbed his face. "Parks are fuckin' dumb anyways, Tommy. I hope you know."

"They are no-"

"Sure." Wilbur hopped off of the rock, trying to ignore the rising thought about his tiny girl feet.

don't do the spiral, he told himself again.

"Let's get ice cream instead, okay?" Techno pushed the youngest towards the Doom Car again. They'd not been at this park very long, but it was already fucking dead to Wilbur.

"More sugar for the child?" Wilbur teased, actually getting in the front seat this time. "Surely he'll explode."

"I'm not a child!" Tommy kicked the back of Wilbur's seat. "I'm a man! I will eat sugar and achieve diabetes like such!"

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