Ch 5(tw)

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5 days later Prem POV
"Hey Sammy" " Prem the tops are having a meeting tomorrow and want you to go!" " Me? Really?" "Yes they specifically asked for you! They never do that for new people it's an amazing opportunity" " I know that but why me even in our group I'm like the newest one" " idk it's not like I talk to them ever, k that's all I wanted to say you got this Prem" " thanks bye"
"Boun! Guess what-OH MY GOD" Boun was lying on the floor with a puddle of blood where his hand is, he sits up immediately when he hears Prem and covers his wrist Prem runs over to him with a shocked face as if he was dead, which he was going to be if the cut doesn't get treated. " what the fuck are you doing" "...." Prem voice started shaking "don't you do that again" tears started dropping from his eyes as he went to the cabinets in the kitchen to get and aid kit. " hold on tight to your wound" "ow"  prem walks back with the aid kit and starts getting the alcohol spray and gauze out " you remember that pain the next time you lose your brain and think of something like this" Boun still is shocked that Prem is witnessing him like this right now and on one hand he wants to die even more now, no one knows how fucked up he is and he never expected anyone to be able to find out- on the other hand, seeing Prem made him realize there are still things to live for..
Like him
" and you call me dumbass ,I'm always here I'll always be here you understand?" Prem finished wrapping Boun's wrist with the gauze and cut the tie with the knife on the floor
Boun hugs Prem " I like you"
The first things Boun says-
Showing Prem his other self, the one that's not put together, smiling, and successful
Seeing Prem crying and understanding not making him answer million questions l, promising to be with him
He felt loved and important
Sudden confidence and adrenaline just made it come out
Prem sat there still shocked but he quickly hugged Boun back as he feels the room of his neck become wet " I like you too.
So don't leave me here alone" muffled and shaky Boun tightens his arm around Prem's waist and says " okay" " I hope you know you have a lot of explaining to do mister" " I know but can we wait just a few minutes I don't wanna clean up this mess yet" he's hilarious
"So fucking funny of you wow don't make a mess with your own blood next time then hbt" " okay I get it it was stupid I'm sorry" " you better be" " and I am;so here" Boun lifts his head and kissing Prem's cheek " you don't know how long I've wanted to do that" oh this mf- " as much as I've wanted to do this?" Prem quickly pushes his lips on Boun's " you have a very sexy lip shape hia" Boun's ears are so red it looks like they can drip blood "yea tease me mf" " oh shut up Pao" " that's boyfriend to you" "boyfriend Pao" Boun uses that 3rd voice of his to say that as he tickles Prem's chin and stands up going to clean up the floor.
Of what their relationship had become cuddling when watching horror movies and sitting unnecessarily close to eachother had become habit so Prem wasn't shocked that Boun would hug him, he loved to hug him and lay his head on Prem's shoulder but Prem wasn't sure of Boun's feelings towards him before all he knew was that Boun was different and special. Boun almost leaving made him know how much he liked him so if Boun hadn't said it first he was going to say it when he was down bandaging anyways.
Once they were settled Boun pulled Prem on the couch to have Prem lay in his arms as he wrapped his arm around Prem's waist , he rested his chin in the rook of Prem's neck " this is going to be long" " you're gonna tell me everything bitch" " okay okay" Boun kisses Prem's neck and starts from when he was young to the remarriage , bullying, working, and starting this career . He said everything in such a calm and emotionless tone as if he was just telling Prem a story and not about his own traumatic shit. " well the rest you prob know or can search online" Prem carefully removed Boun's arm from his waist ,turned around and hugged him-very tight " Pao I'm gonna suffocate" but he still hugged Prem back " I don't care I'm think you need it, shut up"
That's how Prem would always be there for Boun-Prem isn't someone that's very good with words ,his love language is touch and  he thinks talking could be misunderstood in some way ,he feels that showing his love in a way that was able to touch and fell would be easier to understand. Boun loved that, he doesn't like explaining a lot and thinking about this and that , Prem's love was simple and obvious, he loved that too.
In the next 2 1/2 hrs they talk about deep shit in both their pasts and present getting to know eachothers not so perfect sides, cuddling a lot, and shedding a few tears. Eventually their stomachs starts to growl so they order takeout and change up the mood back to their casual and lighthearted state. They have small talk and just talk about their days too eachother like they usually would, that's when Prem remembered why he even came so early today. " I came to tell you that I was going to a meeting with the tops tomorrow, before I found your stupid ass on the floor" " I'm sorry Pao~here this papaya is good" " u little fuck so knowingly understand my schedule, you knew I wouldn't come by at this time" " well I wasn't gonna do it in front of you while we ate dinner or smtg" Prem hits Boun's arm " you dare to even thin-" Boun felt the storm coming as soon as those words left his mouth so he quickly gave Prem a peck to distract him " I'm sorryyyy I would never, look at my little Pao I would never leave him" Boun squeezes Prem's cheeks and Prem smacks his hand off " ouch that was my bad hand🥲" " say smtg so disgusting and I'll do it again that's what you deserve for making me witness this today" " okay okay nong always right" Despite what Prem says he also brings Boun's arm over checking the wound and strokes is softly when he sees a few red dots through the gauze. " I'm gonna re-do it before we go to bed"
At midnight when they were all done Prem had his head laid on Boun's chest and Boun stroked Prem's wet hair while hugging him with the other arm. " I am actually sorry about today Pao" " it's fine, as long as ur still here we're passed on that" " thank you" " I'd be a bad boyfriend if I weren't here" " your a amazing one , get some sleep, you have an important day tomorrow" " Gn hia" " Gn" Boun kisses Prem's hair and they fall asleep.

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