IZ*ONE pt. 4

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I think I'm becoming addicted to these

Yujin: lmao

Chaeyeon: Yujin are u doing the thing with the lawn mower again

Yujin: tf no

Yujin: I learned my lesson the first time

Hyewon: lmfao but u did look hilarious with only half ur hair

Yujin: shut up

Yujin: anygays, I gave all of u guys nicknames uwu

Hyewon: ay cool

Hyewon: what's mine

Yujin: Hyewomb lmfao

Hyewon: ...

Hyewon: womb as in

Hyewon: baby carrier thing?

Yujin: ya

Hyewon: nice

Hyewon: I'm officially the baby maker of the group

Eunbi: no tf ur not

Hyewon: wow u sure came fast

Hyewon: lmao that sounded so wrong

Yujin: hey Eunboob!



Eunbi: what did u just call me?

Hyewon: Eunboob lmfao

Sakura: yeah like Boob the Builder

Yena: no dumbass, boob as in Build a Boob workshop

Yuri: no ur both wrong, boob as in Boobies R Us

Eunbi: did I not teach u guys anything about the English language
Eunbi: there are many other words that start with the letter B

Nako: but unnie we're Asian

Wonyoung: ya we speak Korean and some speak Naruto

Hitomi: it's called Japanese u bean pole

Eunbi: Hitomi!!

Hitomi: sorry.

Yujin: who wants to hear their nicknames from me heehee


Yujin: Nacock

Nako: :'0

Nako: are u calling me a rooster :'(

Hyewon: no she's calling u a penis

Nako: ...

Nako: I would've been happy with rooster

Sakura: what's mine

Yujin: sakurass


Sakura: cause I'm thicc right

Chaeyeon: yes baby u hella thicc 😘

Yujin: Chaeyawn


Chaeyeon: that's not too bad

Eunbi: yeah at least u don't have boob in ur nickname

Yuri: ay what's mine

Yujin: lol

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