*TRIGGER WARNING* BTS reaction to s/o having a panic attack

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I'm bored so I'm doing a reaction for the sweetest and bestest boys on the planet


"Shh, baby it's ok. It breaks my heart to see you like this"
He would hold u tenderly and gently close to him, making sure u felt his heartbeat, talking to u in a soothing voice to help get u calm. He would tell u just how much he loves u and how everything is alright. When u calm down some, he will try and make u laugh to help u feel better.


"Ok focus on my voice. Breathe in slowly..."
As someone with anxiety he would understand what ur going through perfectly. When he noticed u starting to have a panic attack, he would grab ur hands, put u in a relaxing atmosphere, and talk u through breathing exercises to help ur rapid breath. He may play relaxing music in the bathroom, talking u through it and reasurring u that everything is ok and that u will get through it. He will continue to keep the area ur in as calming as possible when ur better just to prevent any future attacks.


"Everything's ok, Hobi's got u."
His face would fall the way it does when he's surprised or confused when u begin to panic in front of u, and he may be a little nervous at first because he will be scared of triggering u more. Since he's normally very energetic and loud, he will be trying his very hardest to stay calm and quiet so he doesn't worsen the panic attack. He would grab ur hand or pull u into him deeply, rocking u back and forth, telling u everything is alright and that there will be nothing to worry about, feeling a little anxious himself.


"This is only temporary. You will get through this."
He will remain calm and collected, and much like Yoongi, will take u to a relaxing atmosphere and talk u through it and breathing exercises. He will tell u encouraging and comforting words using his wisdom, and when u begin to feel better he will take u on a walk through nature, using the beautiful scenery to stimulate and relax ur senses.


"I'm here, I'll always be here, there's nothing to be scared of."
Jimin, being the naturally comforting and caring angel that he is, would immediately wrap his arms around u in a warm and comforting hug, and give u constant reasurrance. He will tell u how much he loves u, and praise everything about u, telling u he will never ever leave ur side.


"You can get through this, I love u."
He would be a little unsure of what to do at first, but the first thing he would do would be to hug u or hold ur hands, encouraging u to try and talk to him about what's causing u to panic. Much like Jimin, he would remind u that he loves u and he is there for u.


"What can I do to help u relax?
He would pull u into his chest with his strong arms and hold u in a protective embrace, trying not to get nervous or emotional upon seeing u having a panic attack. He would ask u what he can do to help u feel better, and eventually would sing softly to u, using the power of his soothing vocals to relax ur mind, rocking u back and forth softly and playing with ur hair until he felt ur breathing slow.

I'm depressed because I know SeokJin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook won't be waiting for me to walk down the aisle at my wedding >:'(

IZ*ONE trash can Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ