
Start from the beginning

That tiny piece shattered in Jungkook's heart, where once held a little consideration for the latter thinking that today being their 6th anniversary he wouldn't attack, well jokes on him it was rather only his anniversary. It's quite upsetting when you think, how Taehyung completely lost all the feelings for Jungkook right after the accident. Nevertheless one can't blame him, his eyes couldn't deceive his thoughts. Sometimes our brain takes over when the heart turns too weak.

This was growing frustrating. How Taehyung found pleasure in ruining his missions, how he turned a blind eye over Jungkook as if he was a complete stranger to the other. But then again that's what he had promised to do.

Checking the time, there was still 30 minutes left to arrive at their shipment location and they were yet at a secluded area, on the highway. And that's when Jungkook noticed it, the SUVs had started to move forward towards the main truck which was following Jungkook's car.

"Yoongi, begin", his face turned into a frown as he constantly checked the rearview and the side view mirror and gave the signal to his right hand.

The next few minutes were intense as Yoongi and the members shot off the SUVs.

While with the same force, their enemies started firing. It was an exchange of gunshots as one of the SUVs took out the SMRS(A/N: For those of you who don't know, it's a gun that shoots vehicles, thanks to playing COD ;))

Shooting it right at one of The Jeon's vehicles, completely blasting it off. Just like firecrackers, it blasted.

Yoongi's car was thrown off to the grassland, him being severely injured.

Now it was just Jungkook and the truck which had the loading. The SUVs took this opportunity to encircle him with the Ferrari following right behind. Soon enough, he was surrounded by all of them by the three sides one minute and the next minute his car was flying, crashing onto the road by the powerful hit.

The world was now upside down, as he lay bleeding from his forehead. It was then he tried figuring out the Kims coming over to him with power and pride.

 It was then he tried figuring out the Kims coming over to him with power and pride

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Jungkook was choking blood as he tried to stay awake. He could see Yoongi's car crash and burn and it stung his heart, to see that Taehyung would take it to this extreme.

Jungkook grunted as he tried to unfasten his seatbelt or try to open the door but it all turned futile. He could feel the red liquid dripping down his forehead in an alarming rate. Even being upside down and coughing blood, he could see Taehyung smirking while taking pride in walking towards him.

Once they had reached where Jungkook's car crashed, Taehyung boldly took off his shades and kneeled down to where Jungkook was.

"Oh boy, what do we have here?", Taehyung smirked, while all of his bodyguards laughed. For them it was a proud moment, to see the infamous mafia leader bloodied and on their foot intaking his last few breaths.

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