Part 3

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I couldn't think of a title.... Any ways back to the story

The girl smiles at the woman and said   "OK mommy" she then washed her hands and set down next to her food while the woman sits the opposite side of the young girl at the same time they say "thank you for the the food" 
The food which was infront of the was a bowl of ramen. Which was shizu's favorite food even though it was there in the world she was samound in it was  not as good as the one her mom makes so she was delighted to dig in.

(this how the ramen looked like)

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(this how the ramen looked like)

After they were done eating shizu took their  bowls to the kitchen. The food was soo delicious that the bowls were soo empty like there was no food in the before

SHIZU'S POV (mind/thoughts)
"mmmmmmmmhhhh, that food was delicious it has been awhile since I had something that delicious.... Know that I am done I should probably bath and go to bed
but I really wanted to explore the house
ohhh well  I'll  just explore it the next day"

(Time skip)
I wake up  yawning wandering what time it is to my surprise it was really early in the morning about 4:30 am I though to myself if I should just go back to sleep but then I realized that I can most of the before my mom wakes up but honestly I still don't believe that I spent a day my mom

Flash backs*last night *
me and my mom were sitting together talking. I started to tell her of all my adventures and the people met but the story I went in detail is the of how I died
(BTW the story is from the anime but I changed some things since I don't really remember everything and the story will be told in shizu pov)

I was in the kingdom of ******** to go to the guild for any adventure I can take when got the checked them out non of the were interesting until I saw one about the Jura forest so got interested so I dicided to take it
while I walking down the street I over heard some few adventures talk about the Jura forest so I ease drop their conversation

🌸" I can't believe the grandmaster is making us go back to Jura forest after we just came back"

🟦" I know and he only gave us three days of rest"

🌸" I only three....

🟦" I swear one of this days I am gonna kill him"

🌸"Yeah you will" (in a sarcastic voice)

🟦" what is that sapoused to mean"

🌸 " I mean you always say that... it's getting really annoying honestly"

~mumble ~mumble ~mumble ~mumble~

❓"you guys are so annoying"

❓" as the leader of this group we should use our free time to plan"


🟦" you wanna use our break to work"


🌸" no way I want to relax before we go back to that hell whole"

❓"we are working and that's finally"

🟦🌸❓*arguing *

💝"ahh hello"

they look to a young woman wearing a mask standing in front of them

💝 I overhead you guys are to the forest

❓" yeah what about"

Smack🌸 be nice, sorry about him what were you saying

💝" I was wandering if I can with you guys"

🌸🟦"Sure" , ❓" no"

🌸What he meant is yes


🌸"Can you give use  a moment alone"

🌸🟦❓*arguing *

❓"we are living in a few days if it's fine with you then you can come"


After a couple of days the group depart from the kingdom of *******


Sorry for posting late I went back to school so I don't alot of free time, thank you for everyone who's my book. Hope you enjoy it
Word count 🔣=660

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