A Story Of The Past Final

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Hi so I realized that I update slow and sorry for that


PREVIEW :  phoniex was fighting a human when he suddenly stopped and attacked Angelica

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Luckily Angelica was able to dodge in time but the sudden clash brought some attention from the other angels
They stopped what they were doing and see what was happening leaving alot of surprised humans some humans took it as a chance to run away but some were curious to see what let the angels to stop attacking them so they followed the angels in secret to only find an angel fighting another angel
The small group of humans were surprised but kept in their hiding spot watching from a distance

The two angels were fighting in a heated fight,but it seemed like it was a one sided fight not because Angelica was weak is the fact that Angelica didn't want to hurt one of her dear friends instead trying to bring him back to his senses unfortunately her attempts were failures.

After a while some angels tried to interfere but the was a barrier that no could pass through, the thought it was phoniex doing. The angels had to watch on the sidelines nothing they could do but just hope Angelica wins unfortunately their hope soon died when a fertal got which may or may not killed her but soo after that the barrier disapeared leading all the angels to attack Phoenix because at this point he was saw as a traitor

Phoenix killed all the angels that were charging at him in a instinct leaving no mercy and not even having a scratch on him but suddenly when he let his guard down someone attacked him and it was none other than the first commander of the 10 arch  angels

So with the they started (I can't write battle soo...)
Their fight was non stop like it will last forever but sure enough it ended with Shu the winner but barely while Phoenix unlucky and got killed in the process


❓"for the first time ur story was absolutely horrible"

🌸"don't listen to him he's just jealous that ur story was amazing

🟦" really you think so"

🌸Yeah right... shizu

💝Yes I also think was very interesting

🟦"ohh you guys are so sweet"

❓"anyways lights out time to sleep

Shizu POV
I remember telling how the next morning when we left the camp we encountered a huge monster then later met rimuru and how rimuru was also an other wolder ohh and he ate me by my request but did I tell her about that it was by request I don't remember, I hope I did tho

Anyways I have wake up and check if my mother is awake
(Shizu walks toward the door and opens it)

There you are was the first thing that came out of my mother's my mouth I don't if she's worried or angry for some reason but I knew what ever it was it was probably my fault
"go take a bath and come back" those where the words my mother said. I did as she told me I was walking to the bathroom when I was thinking about that of the the red phoniex
the ending didn't make sense tho but for know I should be worried about why my mother is angry or irritated honestly whatever it is it's not my fault..... but.... I..... was.... wrong.. It was fault more or.... less

I finally took out a chapter once again spelling mistakes will definitely be there

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