Angry Mother

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Shizu's mother was a bit angry and worried at the same time. Shizu thought it was her fault and it was

Shizu was sitting on the floor while her mother was scolding her for God knows what she was talking to fast for shizu hear and she wasn't really listening that much
"did you hear me" Shizu's mom said
Yh said shizu clearly not knowing what she just said.

Shizu's mother "Then repeat what I said "

Shizu "uhhmmmm"

Shizu's mother "like I thought"

Shizu frowns

Shizu's mother, sigh "look sweetheart I know you just and saw me after a long time  but letting a monster eat yet alone a Slime

Shizu" but I requested it"

Shizu's mother "request it! What type of request is that

Shizu" is just I hated that world, I lost a friend and it was all my fault, I couldn't protect the children, I wasn't able to even save myself but amongs that, what I mostly hate is that this world is the reason why I couldn't reunite with you sooner

Shizu's mother was shocked for what her daughter just said, she was left speechless

Shizu at this point is crying "that's why I request an absurd wish, cause I didn't want to get eaten by the world I despise so so much

I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that Shizu's mother said it in sweet calm voice, calmly went to her a
and gave her a kiss while gently hugging her they stayed like that for a while until shizu in a quiet voice said "I've missed you so much"
Shizu's mother :I missed you too

I am going to end it here

watch the video below  plz
(I'm not sure if it's clear)

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