The Calm Before the Storm

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I stepped out of the fireplace and took in my surroundings. We were in a circular room with high ceilings. I could tell the main colors of the house were white and grey with deep purple accents. The room had two exits, one led to an endless hallway and the other led to a massive ballroom. The room also had windows surrounding half of the room. I peaked out and saw the large gardens with a fountain in the center. It was dark out as it was nighttime here but the illuminated paths allowed me to see the grand landscaping.

Aunt Bex's voice awoke me from my thoughts "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I nodded my head  "I knew we had a large mansion here but nobody mentioned it was a mini castle." She grinned "Yes, well, when you're alive for as long as we have been you manage to acquire wealth and make wealthy friends who gift us places like this." Sebastian interjected, "Whoa whoa whoa someone gifted you this place?". She smirked and got lost in her own thoughts "That's a story for another time, get unpacked and head to bed we have some things to take care of before school starts".

There was a five-hour time difference so while we left at around 6 pm New York time it was 1 am here. Aunt Bex led us to all of our rooms. I was starstruck when I entered mine. It was straight out of a fairy tale and fit for a princess. The room was incredibly large and the walls were surrounded by windows with large ornate pastel drapes. The ceiling had a large circular painting of what appeared to be a biblical scene. Then in the center of the room, there was a little desk facing the bed. I wasn't about to unpack all of my clothes so I grabbed a large oversized t-shirt and crawled into the king-size bed. It was like laying on a cloud and before I even realized it everything went dark.

As I opened my eyes I ripped off the covers and immediately reached for my wand. It took a split second to remember I was in England and I sat my wand down and checked the no-maj clock. 9 a.m. Hmmm, I doubt any of the boys are up, I guess I'll get up and explore the place. It was gonna be in the low 70's so I put on a loose cropped white polo, tan shorts, and a tan belt. I doubt we were doing anything eventful today so I was going to dress casually. I made my way down the large staircase and was about to enter the kitchen to grab breakfast when a house-elf apparated in front of me. I screamed in surprise and all of a sudden everyone in the house rushed to my side with their super speed. They looked prepared to cause a massacre. The house-elf hid behind me and finally spoke "Hello Mistress Mikaelson, I am Hokey your house elf. Should I start preparing breakfast?" The boys and I looked at each other in disbelief. In America, we no longer use house-elves and hired other wizards instead. We had learned about them in school but have never actually been face to face with one. "Um Sure? ," I choked out still in shock. Hokey marched into the kitchen while I turned around and apologized "Sorry guys. I didn't mean to wake you" I peeked into the kitchen in curiosity and continued "I was taken by surprise obviously..."

Atticus put his arm on my shoulder "It's alright little one we needed to get up anyway."

Alexander mumbled in annoyance "I actually would have enjoyed more sleep."

"It's a little past 9" Luther pointed out. Meanwhile, Sebastian was trying to keep himself from collapsing.

We followed Kol into the dining room. It was a long skinny room with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There was enough seating for around thirty people, the table was covered in a large white cloth and the chairs had deep purple cushions which complimented the theme of the house. It didn't take long before Hokey brought out a feast. She brought out eggs, bacon, biscuits, fruits, and coffee. I then asked her if she could make a matcha latte and she told me it only be a moment. I turned to the table and all eyes were on me and some were shaking their heads in disbelief. "What it doesn't hurt to ask, and she said she could."

Alexander rolled his eyes and said "Anything for the pre Madonna"

"Oh please I asked her for a latte not to remodel the whole place" I replied as I launched a grape at him. He quickly grabbed it from the air and threw it at Atticus who caught it in his mouth.

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