The Making of Dynasties

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Luciana was a mistake, a plot twist in the love story of Elijah Mikaelson and Valentina Harkness. Their love was forbidden. Vampires were feared by wizards and seen as a lesser breed. The vampires could care less as long as the wizards didn't interfere with their "business". The Harkness family is a prominent Amerian Pureblood family. They of course were planning Valentina's betrothal when Elijah came into the mix. The two fell in love but hid their affair from public view. That was until Valentina became pregnant.

Her parents were displeased, to say the least. Their flawless reputation built by generations would be ruined in an instant after word of her pregnancy would get out. To a vampire no less. That was until they realized that their family line would last forever. With the Mikaelson family by their side, they would be unstoppable. It's important to realize that while vampires were seen as a nasty half-breeds the Mikaelsons were incredibly feared. They had the status of a mafia family. They were known to cause a massacre if you crossed them. The Harkness family realized this and then the preposterous act turned into a political gain.

The birth of Luciana was not an easy one. The baby had a target on her back before she was even born. The enemies of the Mikaelsons wanted her dead, because what better way to get to the Mikaelsons than hurting what they loved the most— family. Their always and forever pact being constantly used against them. The other prominent pureblood families feared her. She was technically a pureblood with the Mikaleson witchcraft magic and the Harkness blood. She would possess dark magical abilities that none of them did and then she was a vampire on top of it. Knowing this the other families decided if you can't beat them join them. So instead of planning to get rid of her, they were going to welcome her with open arms hoping that she would marry one of their sons and make their family lines last forever as well. 

Then the actual birthing of Luciana had a tragic twist and surprising ending. The birth of Luciana caused the death of Valentina Harkness. A beautiful girl born from tragedy. That was until Valentina woke up. Just like that awaken from her eternal sleep. Not only did she wake up a vampire but she still had her wizard magic. Stumping both the Mikaelsons and Harknesses they soon concluded that her magic survived because of the potent magic (thanks to being a pureblood) running through her veins. Vampirism couldn't get rid of it. Testing this theory they all died themselves and awoke immortal and still wizards.

Luciana was undeniably Elijah and Valentina's daughter. She had the loyalty and cunningness of her father and the poise and wit of her mother. The Mikaleson pact of always and forever being instilled in her at a young age. She lived in high society America and was taught and raised as a young pureblood should. She was the poster child for being the perfect pureblood daughter.

However, she wasn't your typical pureblood daughter. Seen as royalty all the families wanted an in with Mikaelsons and Harknesses. Know this the Mikaelsons and Harknesses used this to their advantage. Like the royal families of the no-maj world. Royal members would have a close-knit circle of their most trusted allies and Luciana was no different. Yet instead of a group of ladies, she would have a group of gentlemen by her side. The Mikaelsons struck up a deal with the other families. Four of the biggest names in the game— the Vanderbilts, Astors, Du Ponts, and Waltons— would all support Luciana through thick and then and be her most trusted. In return when the time was right they'd be turned into vampires to ensure that their lines would last forever. From a young age, Luciana was surrounded by the four boys and they formed their own pact of forever and always. They didn't know how useful that pact would be later down the line.

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