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I sauntered down the steps, through the entryway, and made my way to our kitchen. The staff was busy cleaning and putting the finishing touches on our meal. I discreetly grabbed a dessert as I continued to our dining room. My mother was known for putting on a good dinner party.

I made my way to her and said "This dinner party is going to be fantastic how could it not with you running it"

She looked over at me and smiled. Being a pureblood wife meant this kind of thing was your job as they didn't work. So hosting an event was always a big deal. However, that domestic housewife stereotype was going to end with me. Being in the most powerful family had its perks-- I wasn't destined to become just a housewife. I would become a respected businesswoman, and continue the Harkness/Mikaelson affairs. I want to make my family proud of course but I also want women to have opportunities to achieve their goals.

Nonetheless, I praised my mother for a job well done because throwing a good dinner party is an art after all. She thanked me and then replied, "I almost forgot will you go turn on the outdoor lights for the guests?" I nodded and went to the switch and peeked through the window and saw a large black sedan pull up. On cue, the doorman spoke, "The Walton Family has arrived". It took everything in me not to run up and hug Luther but instead, I joined my mother and father in the entryway to properly greet them.

The Walton Family was a rich family within the no-maj and wizard world. James and Audrey Walton and their son Luther. They created a grocery chain for no-majes and were high up in the MACUSA. They were dressed as stately as ever. Miss Walton had a long red dress with a pair of nude pumps. Her hair was up to showcase her expensive jewelry. Mr. Walton was wearing a grey suit with burgundy accents to match his wife. Finally, Luther appeared out of the car. He was significantly taller than the last time I saw him and I could tell he had been working out. He also cut his hair and had a nice fade. He wore a white and grey sweater with nude dress pants. The colors complemented his dark skin beautifully. He looked truly handsome. Luther was a well-behaved pureblood boy in front of adults but when he was with us he was goofy and the life of the party. Despite his lack of seriousness he always looked out for the others and kept us as a unified front.

After our formal greetings and compliments, our parents went to the drawing-room leaving us alone in the entryway. We both broke into wide smiles and I ran into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around.

"I missed you, little witch," he said and then ruffled my hair. I hate when he does that. Hasn't he heard that you shouldn't touch the art?! "or should I call you little fang now" he joked.

I immediately turned off my cheery demeanor, squinted my eyes, and said " I didn't come all the way from Louisiana in a no-maj car to come and get made fun of" I was half-kidding.

He tucked his hands into his pockets and made his way to the drawing-room, but not before saying "You know you love me little fang". I rolled my eyes and smiled as I watched him walk away. He was right I did love him... like an annoying brother. I took a glance into the mirror and fixed my hair and before departing to the drawing-room I saw the Vanderbilts Cadillac pull into the driveway.

The Vanderbilts held the most power in the no-maj world than the rest of us. They originally came from the Dutch and put down stakes in America. They owned shipping and railroad empires. Like the other men of the five families, they all held high positions in MACUSA. William and Maria Vanderbilt owned any room they walked into. They passed their confidence on to their son, Alexander Vanderbilt. Alexander was already a businessman at 16. He shadowed his father and knew all of his old man's tricks. He was a calculated fellow who got whatever he wanted whether it was because it was handed to him or because he had to make it happen. He was cocky and cruel if he didn't like you. But if he liked you he would go to the ends of the earth for you and made sure you had whatever you wanted. He too had grown into a respectable adult, no longer a skinny white boy, he was built and looked like a man. His hair was darker than normal, I assumed he spelled it to look that way. He looked sharp with his middle part and stately in his expensive black suit.

After his parents and I talked he strolled up to me. He smelled like cigarettes. I hated that habit but he sure made it look good. He knew it too as he always made sure that everyone saw him do it.

He smirked as he greeted me "Miss Mikaelson, it's always a pleasure."

I matched his expression and said," Obviously, you're in my presence."

We stood there for a moment in comfortable silence before we both smiled. He discreetly grabbed my hand for us to do our handshake. When we were younger he was a jealous little boy and claimed that I liked the others more than him. Which was completely false he was just always so moody. To make him feel better we created a handshake and I promised that I would never create a handshake with any of the others so that it was special between us.

As we finished our handshake the door flew open and Simon and Melissa Astor appeared with their son not far behind. The Astor family had International ties to some of the major countries as the family was everywhere on the globe. Atticus, their son, had a surplus of money to fall back on but he was brilliant enough that he didn't need it. He was undoubtedly the most clever out of all of us. His family valued education and it showed as he was on top of our class. Atticus came up to Alexander and me and wrapped his arms around us both. He complimented my dress and said, "You get more and more beautiful every time I see you".

As I was about to reply Alex said "I know I've been working out thank you" and proceeded to flex his muscles.

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Get a room" to which they both shot daggers at me. I wiggled from his arm and ran away saying "I'll leave you two to flirt I'm going to go greet the Du Ponts".

The Du Ponts was known for creating gunpowder and later expanded to the chemical and automotive industries. Henry and Ruth Du Pont's family originated in France before coming to America. Their son Sebastian had black curly hair and was dressed in a tan suit. Bash was definitely the best dressed of the boys. He was the most kind-hearted of the group. Despite the family's status their family was warm and accepting. He was like the group's therapist, he would listen and give us the best advice. We ran to each other and he engulfed me in a hug. He always gave the best hugs.

" Summer is always so boring without you," he said and made a pouty face.

"I missed you too," I said struggling to breathe. He is such a softy.

"Um Bash" I choked out. "You're crushing me."

"oh shoot sorry," he said sympathetically said and released me.

"You could've killed me" I joked.

Coming right back he said, " I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to little fang."

I scoffed and replied " Did you all agree to call me that?" rushing to keep up with him.

"Call you what?"

"Little Fang," I said as it was obvious that that was the thing I was referring to.

" Oh. No" he continued and then stopped and said " I just came up with that. I thought it was quite original"

"Clearly not" as I elbowed him in his side.

We entered the drawing-room and he went to join the other boys who were all on a large sofa talking about who knows what. Our parents were drinking wine and laughing. I took a mental image of the scene and smiled as a majority of my favorite people were all in the room enjoying themselves.

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