The Plan for Power

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The five of us sat on the deck looking out onto the countryside. We were surrounded by a summer breeze and the sound of chirping crickets. It was silent, but not an uncomfortable one where you all share awkward glances and plead for someone to say something. No, this silence was comforting as we all shared a peaceful moment, no one said it but we could all tell that something big was about to go down.

I finally took a breath and spoke "You guys aren't upset that I accidentally got myself killed are you?"

They all spoke at once saying

"no", "of course not", "it's not like you did it on purpose",

Alexander spoke last and said "I envy you"

We all stared at him slightly concerned but then we broke into laughter, typical Alex making a dark joke, about a serious matter. Once we recovered I said, "Well, did any of your parents tell you what the important matters are that we have to discuss?" They all gave me a blank faces like they had nothing going on in their heads. I shook my head and said, "Well they are probably discussing when you should be turned".

"The sooner the better" Alex said as he lit a cigarette "I didn't work out all summer to not look like this for the rest of my life". The boys all agreed before Luther spoke up "Yeah we need to be turned before Alex starts balding". We all snickered except Alex, he looked at Luther with an unamused face and flipped him off.

The doors of my Papa's office flew open and he spoke "Play nice boys" the boys quickly nodded. Despite us growing up together, my father could be very intimidating when he wanted to be. "Join us," he said as motioned his head towards the inside of his office. 

We all sat down beside our respective parents. The five of us were given a sweet-tasting drink. My father started to speak "As you know Luciana accidentally turned during the summer. This was four years ahead of schedule" Everyone turned and stared at me. I gave a weary smile and Papa continued "We have discussed it and we think you should turn now as well, but if you're opposed we can wait ". The boys all glanced at each other and agreed to do it now. "Alright, now that that is settled we have another proposal. "

My brows furrowed, what are they planning I thought. He made it seem like the turning issue was a minimal topic in tonight's discussion. 

"Knowing that purebloods don't lose their magic when turned will change the power dynamic amongst world leaders. We can maintain influence in not only America but in the rest of the world as well. With the potential to turn other purebloods they will follow us in hope of being turned, leaving us to call the shots."

Typical, our parents were focused on a power grab. Not only in America but in other countries as well. 

"We already hold an incredible amount of influence in America." he continued as he refilled his whiskey glass "so we figured that we need to start expanding our influence into other parts of the world. It will take time. Slowly but surely we will increase our influence "

As I looked around the boys seemed just as shocked as I was but the parents of course were on a power trip.

"We will stay here to keep our influence strong. You, however, will not be returning to Ilvermorny but instead will transfer to a Wizarding school in Scotland. There you will meet other prominent purebloods and create contacts. You will befriend them in the hope that their families will eventually turn to us with the desire to be turned. If all goes well you five will find spouses to unite the U.S. and U.K. That is of course after you boys are turned. The school in Scotland is called Hogwarts".

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