Chapter 13

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Last night was a success for the party. The problem was is Lucia found out about us so she was killed and we couldn't say anything about it. I only hoped Olivia didn't remember. I sat up from bed going toward Olivia's bed when I noticed she wasn't there. I walked into the hall and found Olivia in the bathroom slumped over the toilet. She looked at me barely before she threw up again. I grabbed a hair-tie off the counter walking over to her pulling her hair back in a ponytail.

"Hey Liv." I said.

"Hi." She answered sallowly.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I asked curiously.

"Not a thing, all I remember was a hunk dancing all over me all night." Olivia replied and threw up again.

"That's it?" I questioned.

"Yep." she answered wiping her mouth with her towel.

"Okay." I stated and left the bathroom before I threw up too.

I made it downstairs where Clay and Nick were trying to calm Jesse.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Lucia is missing and I have no idea where she could be." Jesse said frantically.

"I'm sorry Jesse but she'll turn up eventually." I lied.

Clay motioned me to the kitchen away from Jesse.

"What are we going to do?" Clay questioned.

"Well someone will find Lucia's body sometime and Liv doesn't remember what happened not any of it." I explained.

"What about the wedding?" Clay asked.

"It's still on and will continue to be. It's your and Olivia's day and nothing will ruin that." I assured him.

"Only if you're sure." Clay pointed out.

"I'm sure but you'll have to cut your honeymoon short so you'll make it to the funeral." I whispered.

There was a knock at the door Clay, Nick, and I knew it was the police.

"Are you Jesse Donnelly?" An officer asked.

"Yes." Jesse said skeptically.

"We have some bad news, your partner Lucia is dead." the other officer explained.

"No. No. No." Jesse stuttered not believing what he heard.

"Jesse I'm so sorry." I stated as I hugged him tightly.

"Sorry officers but we need some time before he is ready to talk." Clay insisted.

"Of course." They said and left.

"How can she be dead!" Jesse yelled.

Olivia came downstairs to see what happened.

"What's going on? What's wrong Jess?" Olivia inquired.

"Lucia was found dead." Nick told her.

"What?" Olivia asked surprised.

She took my spot hugging her brother. I was really hoping she would never remember what happened. Jesse and Olivia just sat on the couch together and that's when Lizzy came downstairs.

"Daddy?" Lizzy inquired. "Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Lizzy, come here." Jesse motioned her to him. "Baby, mommy is gone and she's not coming home." he explained.

"Where'd she go?" Lizzy questioned.

"She went up in the sky and can't come back." Jesse told this little girl.

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