chapter 5

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later that day, Vera gets off from work.

Vera hurries home only having 3 hours to get
ready before Patrick arrives.

She runs inside throwing her purse and coat on to her counter and running upstairs to take a quick shower.

After Vera gets out the shower she starts to feel sick, like she's coming down with something. She goes and looks for medicine in the cabinets.

Soon after realizes she's gonna have to cancel her "date" with Patrick. She eventually picks up her phone and calls him.

"Hey!" She hears on the other end of the phone.
"Hi." she responds back.

"Are you excited for our date??" she hears Patrick say excitedly. "yeahhhh- about that...." Vera tells him.

"ughhh, not another girl, standing me up for a date!" Patrick sighs.

"NO! NO! that's not it at all" Vera exclaims. "I actually think i'm coming down with a cold or something" she tells Patrick.

"Oh! are you gonna be ok, is there anything i can help you with" Patrick tells her a little worried.

"No, I'm ok! but thank you"
"are you sure?!" Patrick asks. "yeah, i'm sure. and i'm sorry about cancelling our dinner!" she sighs.

"No it's all good! you just rest up and feel better. i'll talk to you soon" he says. "Bye Pat!" vera says! "Bye Velma!" they both chuckle and end the call soon after.

Vera takes a seat on her couch to relax.

[Time Skip: an hour later]

Vera hears a knock at her door. She rushes to door wondering who would be at her house at 9pm. She opens the door surprised to see it was Patrick.

"Brought you some soup" He smiles holding up the Tupperware filled with a delicious chicken noodle soup. Vera smiles at him "thank you!, please come in and you can eat it with me."

They both head inside, taking a seat at Vera's dinning table ready to enjoy their dinner.
- that's the end of that chapter.
(i'm so sorry this one is very short, i've put off writing for a awhile and thought i'd write a little bit for now) 😎

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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