02 • Too Much Fun

Start from the beginning

Camilla shifted towards me, wine glass in hand. "I promise you women can pee alone."

"Prove it."

She took another sip of wine then said, "You want me to get up right now and go to the bathroom?"


Her brows raised. "You're serious?"

"I'm always serious," I said in a teasing voice.

Camilla drained her glass of wine before sliding out of her chair. I couldn't believe it. She was really going to go. My arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back before she could take another step.

"You don't have to prove anything to me," I told Camilla. "I was just joking around."

Our eyes met, and I found it impossible to look away. Honey brown eyes studied me with a flash of interest. My hand was still riding comfortably on her waist, and Camilla eased her hips against my knees.

Again, it felt like I knew her. I tried to shake off the deja vu, but it was almost impossible.

"Tell me something, Jae," Camilla said, her head canted to one side. "Do you keep a bottle of wine at your place?"

My knees opened, and I pulled Camilla closer. The scent of her beachy perfume intoxicating. "Are you interested in finding out?"

I didn't invite chicks back to my place. I liked my things a certain way. Years of living with an admiral for a father had ingrained order and discipline into every aspect of my life.

But fuck. Something about this girl had me wanting her to say yes—the impulsive part.

Camilla gave me a naughty smile. "Maybe I am."

I was grinning. Mesmerized. She had no idea that I was a Navy SEAL, yet she wanted to have drinks back at my place.

It felt kinda freeing.

She wanted me as Jae, a sky diving instructor. Not as South Tenney.

And, the amazing thing about being around Camilla all afternoon was that I hadn't thought about the nightmarish stuff I'd done or seen. Her positivity and light seemed to swallow it.

I paid the tab, grabbed her hand, and we walked up the street to the little apartment I was staying in while on leave. Fifteen minutes later she was on my lap, fisting sections of my hair and biting my bottom lip like she owned the damn thing.

I'd never met a girl like this before. Bold and confident and ready to be as crazy as I was.

Each kiss brought me closer to this quiet place inside my head, and being with Camilla was like falling out of the airplane all over again.

Her hands snaked beneath my shirt, nails dragging up my back, and I let out a moan so loud my neighbors probably heard.

"Damn, Camilla," I breathed between kisses that came as fast and hot as I'd ever had. "You are un-fucking-believable."

Her hair slipped loose from the bun when I peeled off that little tank top, tumbling past her perky breasts.


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