02 • Too Much Fun

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I could be one impulsive son of a bitch

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I could be one impulsive son of a bitch.

As carefully planned out as our missions were and as high stress as my family could be, sometimes, I just needed a release.

Signing up to teach skydiving while I was home had been a whim. Telling everyone who worked there to call me Jae another.

But teaching and jumping out of airplanes were two things that I loved to do. And, to be totally honest, I needed a new thrill.

Something besides my big bro's upcoming wedding and the yacht club gossip to banish thoughts of sucking chest wounds and heavy gunfire.

Because that shit was haunting my dreams.

Camilla took a seat next to me at the bar wearing a pair of tiny jean shorts and a cute tank top. Her thick blonde hair twisted into a bun.

I took a sip of my drink, trying not to stare. But damn, it was impossible.

She was like a ray of positive energy, and I wanted to soak up some of her light after being trapped in the dark for so long.

Everything about her felt bright and spunky and fun. And then there were those long legs of hers. Damn. I couldn't stop thinking about them wrapped around my waist.

Or my neck.

Call me crazy, but I thought I recognized her from somewhere. Youth group, maybe?

Inviting Camilla out for drinks after we fell through the sky strapped to each other was admittedly selfish.

But, I had to know more about her. Why she had tears in her eyes and why she seemed so familiar.

"So, what made you want to go sky diving today all on your own?"

Camilla swirled the red wine in her glass. Not meeting my eye. "What do you mean all on my own?"

She was avoiding my question, but whatever.

"Don't girls do things in packs?"

She let out a laugh, and I found that I was smiling too. "You got us all figured out, don't you?"

"All the girls I've ever known need an entourage around them."

Camilla gave me a pointed look.

"You know, they can't do anything alone. Walking and giggling together. In fact, I'm convinced women can't pee without a friend listening in."

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