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"Alcoholism is a well documented, pathological reaction to unresolved grief ."

-David Cook


12th Sept 2017


The night breeze softly brushed a few loose hair strands away from my face as I realized how incredibly cold it had become.

I stood at the doorway, holding open the black wooden door with a blank look on my face.

The hazel-eyed, innocent looking beast standing right in front of me blinked for a few long moments and I couldn't help but notice how his long lashes brushed the almost invisible freckles on his upper cheeks.

His hand still hovered in mid-air and the long sleeves of his untucked shirt fluttered in the light breeze, exposing the black band he wore on his wrist.

My facial expression remained stoic as I observed the party of three.
I eyed the two girls behind Zain, who had still not noticed me in the doorway.

Celina was in the process of giving Raven a long speech about some book stain, reminding me of the one my mum had given me when I had arrived home late that afternoon. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest in a very haughty manner and a few grocery bags lay beside her feet.

On the other hand, Raven was busy staring at a very tiny stain on her book which looked more like an encyclopedia.

My gaze finally landed on Zain's stagnant hazel orbs. Amusingly, his pupils were way smaller than normal.

By that astounded look on his pale face, I could tell that I had caught him off-guard.
I returned his baffled stare with my nonchalant one, not intending to break eye contact .

His hazel orbs darted between my cold eyes. It was as if nothing else mattered to me at that point in time except holding his gaze.
There was no way I'd look away first.

"Taylor?!" Celina voiced, somewhat excitedly, noticing me for the first time.

The sudden sound of Celina's voice snapped Zain out of his trance.

He cleared his throat and abruptly looked down to his feet as he withdrew his wavering hand.
His slightly freckled cheeks flushed pale pink in the frosty air outside.

Celina seemed like she had forgotten all about her argument with the other girl because the next second she abruptly pushed Zain aside and walked past him through the doorway to give me a very tight hug.

I almost jumped as she practically lunged at me, engulfing my thin figure in her arms.

I stiffened.

I never really approved of hugs. Or in that matter any physical contact with acquaintances, regardless of the fact that we used to be close.

So you can guess how uncomfortable it was for me to be just...standing there...getting squished.

"I didn't know you were coming, I was looking for you!" She exclaimed, still holding on to me tightly.

Looking for me?

The other girl, Raven, whom I had often seen in school drowned either in stacks of books or hefty digital devices, walked right past us into the house.

She didn't even spare me a glance as she stormed into the living room with a stern look on her face, clutching her book tight.

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