- 23// cuddle-talks

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Everyone parted ways to go back to their designated university dorms, leaving Dixie and Noah alone in theirs.

Noah didn't know what to think. Did Dixie even like him, or was this all just an act? Was she leading him on, knowing she didn't want a relationship with him in the future? Or,perhaps, she was attempting to cover up the fact that she wanted the relationship with Noah, but didn't want to show it to everybody else? Maybe he was just being stupid, overthinking some may say.

However, Noah's thoughts just couldn't drift from the fact he didn't think dixie wanted to be with him. He'd come to the realisation that his true feelings couldn't be held in for much longer, and so he must tell Dixie how he properly feels through asking her that question: 'Will You Be My Girlfriend?'.

"Noah, are you awake?" Dixie questioned in a loud Whisper,hoping to catch the attention of Noah.

"Yeah," Responded noah, "are you okay?"

Dixie replied to this by shuffling her way over from her bed, on the other side of the room, and carefully climbing into Noah's, discreetly snuggling up next to him.

"Yeah im Fine," she told him, "I just wanted to apologise for what I said when we were playing Truth or Dare, you know I want to be in a relationship with you. It's just I'm scared of it being plastered all over the internet, what if we get hate? I haven't received any yet but I was looking through some of my friends I've worked with's Instagram and they weren't pleasant, and I'm scared I'm gonna get that and I really don-"

"Dixie, trust me, I'm willing to wait as Long as you need for me whether that be weeks, months, or even years! You, or we, won't get hate about us maybe being in a relationship, in fact did you see some of the comments from the vogue cover a while back?" Noah asked.

"I saw some but nothing about us...?"

"Well, I saw quite a few about us and I'll read you some: 'ommgggggg shippp!', 'wait, they would make such a cute couple', 'imagine them togetherrrrr, goals!!!', and there's so many more! Believe me dix, we won't get hate, and even if we do you just can't let it get to you; that's the worst thing you can do." Advised Noah to the worried Dixie, who was Now beginning to calm down because of Noah's words.

"Okay I guess, but if you were to ask me out any time soon, could we keep it private for a while, like even from our friends. I just wouldn't want it spreading anywhere..." Dixie spoke, she was In a way worried about how Noah would feel about this, maybe he'd prefer to go public straight away.

"Of course dix, whatever makes it easier for you" he replied, not caring what would happen, as Long as he'd be with his Dixie.

"Thankyou Noah, you know exactly how to make me happy" she slowly relaxed, god Noah was amazing.

"And you make me happy, how about I take you out for dinner tomorrow night?" Noah asked, already knowing the answer.

Dixie's eyes immediately lit up and a smile plastered her face, Noah and her had been on a few dinner dates, but not for a while!

"I would love that, more than anything"

"Perfect, is there anything else you want to talk about, i quite like these late night cuddle-talks" Noah said, hinting at the fact dixie had snuggled up to him.

"Mhm, there is." She answered, "I still don't get what I'm supposed to do about addi and Bryce, it seemed that Addison was the more pissed one than Bryce, not saying he wasn't, but addi's comment when she walked past me was a but spiteful, don't you think?"

"I agree, but that doesn't mean you should be the one to go crawling back to them." Noah told dixie, "we aren't dating so they can't be mad about that, and they can't expect you to remain close with them when you're in an entirely different country, and entirely different continent!"

"That's what I was thinking, so what do i do when I go back to see my mo-mum, dad and Amelie? Do I just turn up and say, 'oh I ruined my supposed best friends trip to London, to see me, by dating this really hot, amazing boy that I have to live with'. Like, I'm sorry, but I cannot say that."

"Well, we'll sort that problem when we come to it, won't we dix?"

"We will, night night Noah"

"Night Night dix"

And with that, the pair held eachother close as they slowly drifted off into their night's slumber.

Uhhh this is crap :)
Wc: 803

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