- 20//solutions

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"Well that was nice," Dixie giggles as she continued to grin, just after the pair broke their kiss.

"It really was the best kiss ever." Noah truthfully told dixie. To Noah, Dixie completed him. Dixie was the one thing that was keeping him going, and she meant more to him than anything ever has.

"But...what do I do about addi and Bryce? They ran off and I don't know where to, i don't know where they're staying. They don't know their way around London ,Noah, what if they get hurt or lost? I'd never forgive myself for that.." Dixie worried.

"Hey,Dixie, this isn't your fault. They walked in unannounced so they can't expect us to be prepared, or more secretive. I promise you we will find out where they are staying, and we will go and talk to them."

"God, you always know how to make me feel better. It's like a superpower!"

"Haha! But now we need a solution, how do we find where they are staying?

"I seriously have no ideas..."

"Umm, do you think your parents know about them going, so they'd know where they were staying?" Noah questioned, hoping to find a solution.

"Yes! Talia wouldn't have let Bryce go anywhere, especially abroad, if she didn't know their exact plan of action. I'll call Talia now"

Dixie runs back into the shared dorm room after being stood outside in the corridor with Noah for the past ten minutes. She grabs her phone, unlocks it, and immediately swipes and taps to 'phone' where she then clicks Talia. The phone begins to buzz and vibrate whilst the pair wait and hope that Dixie's beloved neighbour and friend picks up the phone. Buzz buzz, buzz buzz, buzz buzz...

"Dixie, hi!" Talia answered the phone in her usual happy, cheery tone.

"Hey Talia, we've just seen addi and Bryce and they had to nip out to grab something," Dixie Lied, "they told us to meet them at their hotel but we have a bit of and issue with that."

"Okay, and what is that issue?" Talia began to worry a bit, were Addison and Bryce in some set of trouble?

"do you know what hotel they're staying at, and the room details, so we can make it way over there?" Dixie asked, trying to make the story seem as believable as humanly possible.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were going to say they'd died or something! Of corse I can tell you their details, I'm so glad you were able to see eachother finally, you have no idea how much we've all missed you dix, especially Bryce and addi!"

"I know, I've missed you all so much! I really want to come home at some point, it's just a hard with us having different school schedules and holiday patterns. But, I will try and find a week or two when I can come home to see you all, I might do it as a surprise for mom, dad and Amelie."

"That would be so cool! They are staying at (a/n i don't know any hotels in London's you pick, I've never been but I'm going in October to see wicked...my favourite musical EVER, closely followed by les miserables), floor 3 I believe and they're in room 113."

"Thankyou so much Talia!"

"No problem dix, make sure you get loads of pictures, we all want to see what you got up to!"

"We will, Talia, Don't worry."

"Great dix, I'll hopefully see you soon. Bye!"

"Bye Talia!"

Hey! Where do you live? I live in north-west england. I've never been to London, or Blackpool or any of the 'tourist' location in the uk, but I'm going to London in October to watch Wicked and I think I'm watching the lights being switched in in Blackpool later on in the year :)
Wc: 649

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