- 10//Cameras

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Dixie PoV:
After me and Noah were dismissed from class we headed back to our dorm, we stayed and watched a movie for a little while...Cat in the Hat obviously! After we'd finished the movie, we got ourselves ready for our last job for a couple of months, it was just a shoot for a small company so nothing too fancy. I've absolutely LOVED modelling but I really need a break, it's exhausting! It didn't take us long to finish the shoot, so we went out for dinner with my friends Kate, Kouvr and Curtis as well as Noah's friends kio, jake and Alex. It was nothing too special, just a little lunch. However, we were caught by the paparazzi when we were leaving. I bet it's really difficult for our friends as they aren't ever spotlighted like me and Noah are, so having cameras shoved in their faces must be even harder for them than it is for us. Unfortunately, paparazzi is something I don't think I'll ever get used to...!
P: hey guys, how was your dinner?
N: it's was good, nothing too fancy
D: yeah, just a small dinner with friends from university!
P: sorry guys, I always see you two out with your friends and I never catch their names
N: oh yeah, these are my friends Alex, kio and Jake as well as Dixie's friends Kate, Curtis and Kouvr
P: hi guys, sorry I didn't ask earlier!
Ki: don't worry about it, it's no problem
C: yeah don't sweat it, we really don't mind!
P: thanks guys I appreciate it. So noah and Dixie, any new shoots coming soon?
D: no not for a while, we had our last one today. We're being given time off from our agency to recharge our batteries and it's also summer holidays.
N: thank god we've got so much time off. And it's lucky for you as well though, we'll be giving you daily content!
[they all laugh]
P: ahaha, I'm going to be rich by the end of it!
D: definitely, right we're going to get going. See you later guys!
[they all leave, walking and talking]
Ka: I don't think I'd be able to get used to that everywhere I went, I don't know how you both do it!
J: yeah it's way too much for me, and we were only talking for five minutes
D: as much as i want to say you get used to it, I still haven't!
N: I suppose I'm more used to it then you guys are, I've been in the industry for a long time now so I've had all the cameras and all the experiences! But, it's still a shock when they just turn up randomly and find out my location...it's a bit creepy. I have become more accustomed to it now.
K: I guess, I still wouldn't be used to it
A: it just seems to stressful for me, I'm the type of guy who just goes with the flow and having cameras shoved in my face just isn't it
D: i can understand that, but our jobs literally involves being in front of cameras, so you kind of need to be okay with it.

Hey! Sorry for another short chapter, school is really taking over me at the moment, I'm competing every weekend, and have lessons most nights; so it's really hard to find time for myself as well as write. I hope you guys understand, sorry for any mistakes, my eyes are about to close. Make sure you eat, drink and look after yourself <3
Wc: 607

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