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╔═════════════ chapter two.


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I WAKE up at around 9:15am according to my alarm clock that beeped loudly for me to get up, I rub my eyes yawning as I stretch, I get into some shorts and a top with a demin jacket over it, I keep my hair down and put on my shoes making my way to the hall getting ready for breakfast.

They give us cereal and toast of our choice and some water, once I finished I look out the window to see Ziggy running from Sheila and her friends into the woods.

I get up from my seat walking outside following them, after a few minutes I loose them, cursing to myself and continue to walk forwards only to see a clear area with one tree, I then see six people, one hanging hanging by their wrists on the tree, I walk closer to identify the person we Ziggy.

"Ziggy!" I yell running towards her.

"Let me down you little shits! Let me down!" Ziggy struggles.

A girl with brown hair who I recognise as Sheila touches Ziggy as if looking for something then pulls out a ten bucks in her hand.

"Well, Well. What do we have here?" She says circling Ziggy.

"Goddamn thief!" A boy in a green shirt calls.

"No, no she's no thief... she's possessed by the witch it's the only way to explain her psycho behaviour" Sheila smirks.

I was still making my way across the field trying to get to the group, speeding up more and more.

"Fuck you!" Ziggy shouts hitting the girl with her elbows hard across the face earning a gasp from everyone else "Guess were even now" Ziggy smirks.

"You do know what they did to Sarah Fier right?..they hanged her on this very tree," Sheila nods upwards to the tree "but she'd have died forever if you did what you always do to witches... you burn them"

I was now sprinting across the field getting closer and closer only to see Sheila yelling for a lighter and ordering girls to hold Ziggy's legs, I tackle the two girls on the floor stopping them from touching her.

A boy with a green shirt then knocks me over and starts hanging me with the ropes around my wrist, I see a girl and the boy grab Ziggy again by then leg.

"No! No! No! Stop it! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Ziggy yells trying to get out their grasp.

"Shut up you witch!" Sheila orders going closer to Ziggy.

"Sheila! You've made your point" one of the girls called.

"Don't! Dont!" Ziggy begs as wind blows in her face.

"Sheila, it's was only ten bucks!" The boy says whilst holding Ziggy's legs.

"Are you really gonna do this?" I ask Sheila wiggling against the ropes grip hoping to break free, Sheila ignores me and puts the fire against Ziggy's arm "STOP!!" I yell as Ziggy screams.

All of a sudden two boys come running up the field "shit! Will your brother" Sheila points out as everyone faces them.

"The hell is this? Let them down!" The boy calls.

"Nick, I can explain" the green shirted male says.

"Let her down will! I swear to god I'll tell mom!"

Will lowers us causing us to crash to the ground both of us grunting, they line us all up asking for an explanation of what they just saw.

"I went back to my cabin, the door was open all my money was gone and Ziggy was just sprinting away" Sheila explains.

"Because you were chasing me!" Ziggy says defensively.

"Ziggy! You talk when I tell you to talk" the male with the bright orange shirt says.

"Did you see her take it?" Nick asks.

"Everyone did" all the girls repeat "Everyone"

"Alright! Well, that's it Berman, five strikes, your out!" The orange t-shirt boy says waving his finger around.

"I'm out? They just tried to murder me!" Ziggy argues whilst all of the people smile like psychos.

"Yeah. And I'll deal with them but first get back to camp, call mommy because you're done at Nightwing"

"I didn't do it!"

"Oh yeah? Like you didn't set the camp flag on fire? Or let out the camp rabbits? Or the graffiti the outhouse stalls? I warned you—"

"Kurt," Sheila cuts him off "it's not her fault really, she's posses by Sarah Fier" she smirks.

"Oh, you..." Ziggy goes to attack Sheila but I stop her so she doesn't get in anymore trouble.

"We kick her out somebody's gonna ask about the burn on her arm, then who's in trouble? Huh?" Nick says "why don't we just let this one slide? yeah?"

"Alright one more stroke and you're out for real, you hear me Berman? One more, now L/n why were you there?"

"I was in the main hall, I looked out the window to see Ziggy running and these guys chasing her so.. I followed to help Ziggy only to get tied up myself" I explain showing him my burned wrists.

"Alright... we'll let this one slide, off you two go" the guy says, I grab Ziggy's hand and walk away with her.

"Being bossed around by a Goode, wow, something never change" Ziggy says, we made our way to camp as I rub my thumb at the back of her palm calming her down.

"Hey!" Nick calls running beside Ziggy. "Have nurse Lane check that burn out"

"I'm gonna let it get infected and die" Ziggy simply says.

"I don't get a thank you?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot! Thank you, king of Sunnyvale, future police chief Nick Goode for rescuing poor helpless Shadysider me! How can I ever repay you? Oh I know I'll bat my eyes at you, like all the other dumbass girls"
Ziggy says sarcastically before walking away flipping off at Nick.

We enter camp to see everyone preparing for something.. Colour war, we suddenly get shirts thrown our direction and sigh as we are all in to Nurse lane.

NIGHTWING // ZIGGY BERMANWhere stories live. Discover now