chapter 1 (pt3)

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Destination Despair Part 3

"We have a murder on our hands," Y/n said while everyone around him panicked.

Mahiru screamed, Hajime stared in shock at the body, Ibuki was foaming at the mouth. Monokuma appeared and Nakama also joined the group.

"Good gracious... Things quickly took a turn for the worse." Monokuma said. "On this island paradise, the very first murder has taken place!"

"H-hold on! Then does this mean..!?" Nagito said not finishing his sentence.

"Puhuhu....of course... Byakuya was killed by one of you!" Monokuma told the group.

"I-is that really Byakuya?" Peko entered the room.

"Why? Why did this happen? Why?... Byakuya?" Chiaki said at a loss for functioning words.

"Hmmm, it seems Fuyuhiko isn't here. So in the spirit of keeping everyone on the same page, how about we do this the usual way. " Monokuma then disappeared only to reappear on the monitor.

"A body has been discovered! Now then after a certain amount of time passes, the class trial will begin!" The monitor then turned off.

"Class trial?" Hajime repeated.

"Monokuma has already explained this. If someone is to murder they must not be found guilty in the class trial. If we don't figure this out we'll be killed and the murder will walk free." Y/n summarized.

"No! There's no way someone did something so vial!" Mahiru said looking like she was about to lose it.

"Puhuhu if you make an outburst like that you'll end up as a suspect...." Monokuma appeared back in the room.

"I-I won't believe of us killed Byakuya..." Nagito said.

"If you're actually thinking that way then you are already being conned by the killer. You should be more like M/n, understand what you must do and do it!" Monokuma told them.

"Everyone please you should not believe what Monokuma says!" Monomi appeared.

"Stupid rabbit! Telling them to ignore something that's right in front of them is idiotic. Monokuma is in charge and we must play by his rules!" Nakama scolded her.

"No matter how much you interfere there is only one truth. Which is why I will find out who did this, I already have an idea of who." Y/n said full of confidence.

"In the spirit of lovey doubt and Dovey deception, put your heart and soul into investigating! Good luck!" Monokuma then vanished.

"Wh-what does this mean? I don't understand this at all..!" Mahiru said.

Everyone started to talk to each other about how they didn't believe what was happening. Why it was so hard for them to accept Y/n had no idea. The group assigned Mahiru to guard the body since she claimed to be useless for the investigation. Mikan agreed to do an autopsy.

Nakama gently pulled on the hem of Y/n's shirt to get his attention. He kneeled down to his level with a questioning look on his face.

"Your E- handbook has the Monokuma file in it. It will tell you the basics of the murder. And Y/n please watch your words until you know for sure that he did it." Nakama told him referring to Nagito.

"Your right, I'll make sure to watch my words." he nodded. "Do you know who did it?"

"Sadly no, but even if I did I wouldn't be able to tell you," Nakama answered.

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