Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Now we just need to find him" I added.

"Take out the just and acknowledge this might take months. Finding a serial killer isn't easy, take my word for experience" Charlotte said. Ron and Hermione frowned, Harry wasn't concentrated enough to even frown at Charlotte's answer. 

Charlotte started picking up her brushes and books and saw Ron wanted to say something.

"Well, we have the person he came here for" Said Ron, obviously he was talking about no other, then the boy who lived, Harry Potter.

Draco's perspective

"You know you have to stop staring at her like that" Said Blaise

"Staring at who?" Asked Pansy, Merlin that girl doesn't know how to keep her nose out of everyone's business.

"Whoever I'm staring is none of your business Parkinson," I said, then she was looking in the same direction as me.

"Oh, you're looking at the Moon girl. What does she have that makes you fancy her? She is not that special" Again, getting in my bloody business.

"I don't fancy her and again not your bloody business"

"Fine, but you know she'll never wanna go out with you. It doesn't matter what happened in the Winter Ball" Said, Parkinson. She is getting on my nerves, but I know she is right.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, didn't you call her friend a filthy mudblood? And what about when she finds out your just talking to her so your families connect again? I personally think your father didn't send you to make Friends only for money. But what do I know right?" Before I could say any response, she left.

"She's right mate, about everything. I'm sorry, but the chances Audrie Will want to be with you are one in a billion, not only for insulting her Friends but for this mission thing and I think your father wants more tan money out of this"

"Maybe, but that's not the point, I have ordered from him. I will comply"

"But will you keep fraternizing with Audrie because of your father's order, or because you want to?" Blaise asked. It shocked me really, I didn't know what to respond to, so I answered with a lie.

"I'm only doing it for my father" I responded, but Blaise chuckled

"Draco, if you're going to lie, make it believable," He said.

"Why do you think they are so secretive all the time?" I asked looking at the little friend group with the three Gryffindors, a Hufflepuff, and a Ravenclaw.

"I don't know mate, but I think is none of our business" Said Blaise

I actually am really interested in finding out what their topic of conversation is. They are always in the Great Hall, always together, I assume talking about the same stuff and when they aren't here they are in the courtyard or the library. And they also wanted to go into the Slytherin common room.

Where they found some strange book, that was from Audrie's brother, that then turned into a key and a note? This is very confusing.

"I just find it quite bizarre, it must be something important," I said

"Hey I have an idea, why don't you go and say Hey Moon, I was just looking at you from the Slytherin table like always and I am curious to know what you're always talking about with your friends, it kind of looks like a big deal. Because I'm sure she will be delighted to respond"

Merlin, I get it. I definitely cannot go over there and say that. I rather puke than be near the Gryffindor table. But I really want to know.

Then my thoughts were interrupted by Theo Nott, sitting down next to Blaise.

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