Chapter 5 - Future, Unknown.

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Later that Evening;
Hailey Ackles...

There wasn't a time when I hadn't felt completely at peace when I came here. Yes, the water has a lot to do with that and being so close to it, but the other reason for that is Shayne. The woman she has become - ensures that all of her guests feel at home inside her home, the deep and rich colours that she has used to decorate her space lead, to the sense of warmth and security. Now, was, no different.

Being here with my best friend was exactly what I had needed. We were chilling with wine and putting the world to rights. Right now, we were sitting out on the back-deck while she rolled a joint for us to share and talking about Jonah.

We had thought that this was where she belonged, we had assumed that she was happy and had all the support that she needed. Now we know that she has been living a nightmare. And the worst of it was that she had been dealing with this on her own. In all the time she had been facing this - she hadn't once hinted that anything was wrong, that she was unhappy but hearing her talking about it now - I can see the weight of that sadness still pressing down on her.

"...both Jay and I were just thankful to hear that someone came to help you last night," I told my friend watching her roll the joint. It never ceased to amaze me, but she was like a walking contradiction.

For the most part Shay was a Goth. The red and black hair, the tattoos, even the furniture in her home held a Victorian style to the design, but here she was sitting in front of me in a pair of pastel-pink, slate-grey and cream checked PJ trousers with a slate-grey vest top that was covered in pastel-pink stars, and a pair of Unicorn slippers adorning her feet. I have never seen her look so...normal.

"Yeah, Jeremy was amazing. I don't know how long it would have taken me to get inside had I been alone, or if Jonah would have insisted that I still go to his mom's house,"

"He wouldn't have, would he?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I know that until last night I would never have thought he would lash out physically at me, but I was wrong about that. I just - I know I have to take some of the blame in that though; I never should have let his words taunt me into attacking him, but that's not an excuse. I was in the wrong too and I accept that part, what I can't accept is that our relationship had become so twisted and toxic that it led to that,"

"You know - Jay and I both believe that it doesn't matter how much you lashed out at him, he is the man who is significantly stronger than you, he should have just walked away, he didn't have to hit you back -,"

"Maybe," she sighed, finally lighting the joint and inhaling deeply, "enough about me, what about you and my brother?" She had always been so good at changing the subject when things felt like they were focusing too much on her.

One thing about my best friend - she detested being the centre of attention. I have watched her shrink down until people ignore her and I hate that because she deserves to be noticed, she deserves so much more than what she had gotten from Jonah. Jay mentioned that he believed the new guy had a thing for his sister but even just being around her for 5 minutes I could see that she was going to need time.

"God, where do I start?" I sighed as she passed the spliff to me.

I can't remember a time where I haven't been in love with Jensen Ackles. I think I fell in love with him from the moment my eyes first caught sight of him. With his translucent green eyes that always seemed to hold an undercurrent of mischief, the long line of his nose that sat perfectly on his face, the full plump deep-claret lips that could kiss me senseless. The sculpture of his frame; every bit as distracting as his handsome features, and I swear the man has only gotten better-looking as he has grown older.

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