Chapter 27 - Surrender!

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2 Weeks Later;
Hailey Ackles...

Seeing my best friend so happy and content with Jeremy was more than I could have ever hoped for her. Jensen and I had both agreed that Jeremy and Shayne were meant for each other. It was obvious in the way they would stare at one another when the other wasn't looking, they both liked the same type of movies, and they had this easy banter between them. It had never been this way between Shayne and Jonah, not even in the early days of them being together.

Shayne and Jonah - it had been almost like being around 2 strangers - from the get-go. I hadn't ever said anything to anyone, but I always got the sense that they were only ever physically attracted to one another. They never had anything in common, they didn't seem to spend a lot of time together just hanging out and there was never any easy banter, or flowing conversation between them. Honestly, I am surprised that they remained together for as long as they did.

We were all on edge due to the fact that Jonah seemed to have permanently posted himself outside of Shayne's house. We couldn't leave the house without him following us wherever we go. And even when we are inside the house - we are constantly aware that he is just outside. Parked in his car across the street from Shayne's house. I know that Jensen is hoping that this will mean Shayne moves back home with us. It was definitely something that my husband had been hoping for, for the longest time. Granted Jensen had never liked Jonah, he had always sensed that somehow Jonah was going to eventually fuck everything up, but none of us could have ever predicted that he would have taken it to the extreme that he did.

Honestly, we were all going a little stir crazy so a couple of days ago we came up with the plan that we were going to go paintballing. There was a paint-ball course about a forty-five-minute drive from Shayne's house, and then we figured we would do the Whiskey-Trail, which was something that Jensen and I have done before but Jeremy hadn't ever done the trail, so we figured that we would do it with him. What surprised us all, was the fact that it was all Shayne's suggestion.

The past couple of weeks - she has put in a huge amount of work into getting back to the woman she was. Or at the very least the woman she had now been forced to become. She was back to working-out every day, even going for morning runs with either Jeremy, or me, or both of us. Yes, she was still having an issue going out alone but considering where she had been two weeks ago - none of us were going to pick at the progress that she has made. Now she was even taking bookings again for her work - granted she was only doing one a week, but, again, that was progress and none of us had any right to push her to do more than what she was feeling comfortable with.

Jensen and I were back to where we had been before he had made his little mistake. And I truly believe that it was a mistake; I know he hadn't gone out there and done it to hurt me. I know that; it hadn't been personal. And I also know that he was beating himself up much more than I ever could. I had watched as he tore himself to pieces with the guilt that he felt. He had run himself almost insane in his attempts to make it up to me, and also to assure me that he was sorry.

In all the years that we have been together - I have never found the key that would allow me to watch him suffer. To see him hurting, hurt me in return. And the harder I clung to the anger of what he had done - the harder it hurt me and robbed me of peace. I know that woman meant absolutely nothing to Jensen. I was the one who my husband loved.

I was the one whom he came home to.

I was the one whom he loved.

I was the one he was married to. And I was the one he would fight for. However, all of that isn't to say that I have forgotten what he did. There is no way that I could ever forget what he did, or the lesson it taught me. I may have thought that I would never get over it but looking at it now - I have come out the other side much stronger than I ever thought possible. And for that I have to thank him.

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