Chapter 8 - Misled.

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An Hour Later;
Jeremy Irvine...

After my talk with Hailey, I decided to head to the bigger town about 30 minutes from where I lived to do a big food shop. My cupboards were almost entirely bare, so stocking up was a must. I have never enjoyed food shopping - usually opting for home delivery but today, I felt the need to do it myself. That was my whole point of moving here - getting back to who I used to be. The real me. My plan had been to drop the 'celebrity' status while here and learn to just be a normal man again. And that included doing my own shopping.

It was on the journey back that the weather decided to change - the soft powder blue and big fluffy marshmallow like clouds had been replaced with a cascade of grey in various shades from off white to wet slate. Just above those now violent storm clouds the most amazing blinding white of sheet lightning erupted every few moments and instantly followed up by the loudest claps of thunder that I have ever heard. I had just pulled into the small road at the front of my property when the first drops of rain fell - creating a wild symphony of noise inside my car.

As if by instinct alone - my eyes drifted across to Shayne's house as I killed the engine of my SUV. All of her windows were open, and I caught sight of the mail-man pushing a large industrial trolley up her drive-way as he rushed to get out of the sudden down-pour of rain. I figured that meant her ink had finally arrived. Jensen and Hailey had both mentioned that Shay was waiting for a delivery so that she could get back to working as soon as possible. It still amazed me that she was a tattoo artist - I don't think I have ever met one before. I simply don't run in those types of circles. Yes, I have had girlfriends who have had the odd tattoo, but I have never been into a woman with as much ink as Shay does.

Since I am being honest with myself - the ink makes her more beautiful than I had ever imagined possible. I mean, how could it not? There didn't seem to be anything about her that I found unattractive. God, it did feel good to finally admit that, if I am being honest.

There was no sign of her from where I sat so I quickly set about getting out of the SUV, so I could start bringing my groceries into the house and that was when I heard it...

'Just a page in my history, just another one of those mysteries, one more lover that used to be, if you think you're in my head, you've been seriously misled, seriously misled, loving somebody ain't your average 9 to 5, it takes conviction, it takes a will to survive, I'm not somebody who commits the crime, and leaves the scene, but when I've been dissed, I don't spend much time on what might've been, I'm not about self-pity, your love did me wrong, now I'm movin', movin' on,

Just a page in my history, just another one of those mysteries, one more lover that used to be, if you think you're in my head, you've been seriously misled, seriously misled, I get on with my life, and you're not on my mind, am I too close to time, to get over you,

I'm not about self-pity, your love did me wrong, so I'm moving on (and on, and on, and on, and on)

Just a page in my history, just another one of those mysteries, (just another page), One more lover that used to be, if you think you're in my head, you're seriously misled,'

It was a song that I had never heard before, but I recognised the voice - Celine Dion. It struck me as funny because looking at Shay and hearing the heavy metal beat of her music earlier, it seemed to be completely left field to the image I had of her in my head. And what made it funnier was the sound of her singing - God she was really terrible, so terrible that I was sure there had to be dogs howling somewhere close by. I mean she was butchering the song, but you couldn't deny the sound of raw passion in her voice - it seemed almost therapeutic for her.

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