Start from the beginning

I really hated being in this chair. My ass was hurting so much but not nearly as much as my shoulder. I groaned as my eyes glanced over my bandaged shoulder. As much as I hated to admit it, Luciano knew how to wrap a shoulder.

Luciano is standing against the freezer door. "What were you dreaming about?"

I look up at him as my patience is pretty much nonexistent from the constant stabbing and the nightmare. "Where's my fiancé?"

"You'll see." Luciano says coldly. "I guess now, that you're awake, Mr. Salvatore will see you now."

Realization hits me like a train on aderall.

"Oh you have got to be fucking me with an eraser! Nehemiah kidnapped me?"

"Yes, it looks to be that way." Darnell says with an apologetic gleam in his eye as he walked into the freezer.

I glared at the man. "Darnell, what the fuck man?"

"Luciano, what have you done to this young woman?" Darnell says in shock as he waltzes past Luciano.

"Honestly most of those bruises were because Draio and Nico dropped her coming out of the van."

My ribs throbbed like they were screaming at him in disbelief. No way in hell did I sustain my bruises from being dropped on the ground, once. Darnell and I shared a look.

I scoffed, "Drop kicked me left and right like they were having a tennis match."

Luciano snorted. "More like soccer."

"Haha, do you want me to bend you like a fucking pretzel?" I ask Luciano icily. "Is this because I shot your bitch of a leader?"

"Talk about my aunt again and I'll cut you up like a summer sausage." Luciano snaps as he flashes the knife in his hand.

Darnell pressed a hand against Luciano's chest. "We told you that she was a friend, not a foe."

"Oh I thought you said hoe."

I laughed for a second and then sobered when they looked at me. Funny was funny even if it was going after my character. Honestly, I was indeed a hoe though so I didn't take too much offense.

"Anyone ever tell you that you laugh like a distressed meerkat?"

I struggled against the ropes and the chair rocked with me. "Someone let me out of this chair so I can strangle him."

Darnell crouched down and loosened the ropes around my legs. The rush of circulation that I got was enough to make me even more lightheaded. My body was so cold, I felt like I was dying.

"What am I doing here? Why did Elaisa go through all this trouble?"

"We didn't know where you were." Luciano responds in a duh like tone. "So we tracked you down and kidnapped you."

"And why is that?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore have reconsidered their stance on the marriage between you and Alana."

"What did Scotty do?" I say with a smile the size of the moon.

"He threatened Alana's life." Darnell answered honestly.

"The abusive asshole cares whether his daughter lives or dies? I'm impressed."

"Uncle Nehemiah may be...aggressive and not at all kind when it comes to his children but it is so he can keep them safe." Luciano mutters. "He protects his daughters, above everyone and everything else."

"He just hates her for being gay and would rather force her to marry a dangerous man than be safe with me."

"Not anymore." Darnell argues. "You might not understand how deeply devoted our master is to Catholicism or why he is so adamant on keeping Alana pure from satan's lure but you should understand that he loves his daughters."

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