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is that what I need? somebody that can make every day different?

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is that what I need? somebody that can make every day different?

jihye's word had left a resounding echo within him. he found it hard to pay attention, impossible to pull the girl from his mind.

he had spent four hundred years aimlessly running with no purpose. when there was no time limit to your life, there was no longer the urge to accomplish anymore. with no clear end, days passed by slowly, blurring into each other.

it was becoming harder and harder to ignore the pull towards jihye. the girl was the first person he had gone close to befriending in the past decade, maybe even century. maybe it was over some stupid incident he had accidentally caused but he couldn't say he regretted it.

it wasn't long before his walk within the underground city was disrupted by doyoung. to the other, he was clearly out of it and something was wrong with him. it was rare to find him spacing out at all.

"what's wrong? just tell me. don't try to lie or anything," doyoung asked him as he began walking by his side. "is it the girl?"

taeyong hesitated before reluctantly whispering a 'yes' to his friend. was it really that obvious that something was wrong? he could only go on and wait for doyoung to say something to him. for once, he had nothing to say.

when the awkward silence had lasted too long, he could only start up the conversation. doyoung had asked him to tell him after all. and he could only stare at his feet for so long.

"she's interesting. don't kill me but I didn't compel her-" taeyong started but was cut off by doyoung too soon.

"hyung- what the-" doyoung instinctively responded. it was a set rule to always compel victims yet one of the creators of the rules was defying it.

taeyong shot a glare at him, shutting him down as he continued, "she works as an office worker. like one of those boring jobs, you know. and I don't know how she got through to me but it worked."

doyoung was silent for a few seconds before speaking up to him, "are you in love?"

maybe he had never wondered the exact thought but the moment the question escaped into his brain, he knew he had been wondering that question ever since the first day he met her. it was a painful question to wonder about. it was hard to imagine him, the supposedly heartless vampire, indestructible and cold, falling in love with a mere human.

"no. at least I don't think so," taeyong repeatedly denied the truth he already knew. it was hard to accept it, hard to accept that there really was something up with him.

"I've been your friend for 300 years. I might know you better than you know yourself. and I think you're in love," doyoung stated, almost as if he was lecturing the older, "think about it, ok?"

and with that, the man left his friend swimming alone in the river of thoughts he had thrown him in.

taeyong endlessly wondered as he finally settled back into the familiar room of his own. it was a ceaseless chain of thoughts, continuing to lead him to another. was he in love? had his seemingly emotionless heart unfrozen? the truth under the façade of perfection uncovered, he began to question if he really knew himself. he couldn't sort out the fake persona he had created for the sake of his reputation from the true self he had covered for so long.

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