03 - Angst/Fluff - Runaway

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

I slung my backpack over my shoulder just as I finished zipping it up. Tonight was my last night in Jackson, and nobody knew. For a while now, I had felt like I didn't belong, like I wasn't a perfect fit for Jackson, and tonight I was going to put an end to it.

Of course, if I tried leaving "the right way" and let Maria and Tommy know, they simply wouldn't let me. But after everything with.. Ellie.. I knew I had to leave.

My thoughts were beginning to clog my brain as I took one last look at my weary apartment, weakly smiling. I let out a breath of air as I left the apartment and began trekking through the dimly lit town.

I spotted the crack in the fence Dina had always mentioned to Ellie and Jesse. I lifted the delicate metal sheet up and slipped through it, making my way towards the woods.

It wasn't that cold out, thankfully. It was spring now and the leaves had just began regrowing on the tall trees. I looked up at the trees in awe, the way they never ceased to regrow after a harsh winter, gave me hope.

I continued to walk, pulling out my map, "Santa Barbara," I whispered to myself running my fingers across the map, "Interstate fifteen South," My fingers were now tracing the interstate that I would mainly be on for my long journey. My journey would be around five weeks if I managed to walk for at least eight hours a day. Maybe I'd even find a car and my journey will be shortened.

I let out a deep sigh, and continued through the night. I would go find shelter and hide out for the night as Maria would for sure send people to find me, then I will leave once I know the coast is clear. Hopefully to be in Santa Barbara as soon as possible.


"Welcome to Geneva," The sign read.

I was technically in Idaho, although the town of Geneva lied on the border of Wyoming. It's been three days, and thankfully I was on track with my timing.

I scoured my bag for any food and luckily I found a some berries I picked along the interstate. I remember Tommy teaching me which berries were poisonous, and which weren't. I'm positive these were elderberries and not poke berries, which were extremely toxic. I'm sure these weren't toxic though, so I should be fine.

I continued to walk through the small town of Geneva and eventually found an abandoned home. It seemed quiet enough to stay in for the night. I climbed in through a window, lucky enough for me, there was no infected. I let out a sigh of relief, and checked out the house eventually finding myself in a small bedroom. I fell back onto the bed, letting sleep take over my body.


It's been a few days, and I remained in the small Geneva cottage home. I couldn't leave because a horde of runners decided to pass through the town so I was trapped in this home. I had to wait out the flock, in order to continue on my lengthy journey.

I mostly stayed in the small bedroom, I was going slightly stir crazy in this house, not knowing what would happen next. How long would it take for the horde to pass through? Hordes were so extremely rare, most runners stayed where they were infected. But hordes were also extremely deadly, and I didn't want to take my chances if I wanted to make it to Santa Barbara alive.

I sat on the ground, with my knees up to my chest, as I scribbled in my journal. I was writing about how I had been held up this home, prolonging my journey, when I heard a door creak open.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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