Chapter 12: The Potters, Saviours of The Lost

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No, Ascella thought, no, no, no, no. They couldn't take her away from Sirius, not again. Not when she had just got her brothers back, not when things finally seemed okay again. But she was getting ahead of herself. She didn't even know that the voice belonged to her mother. It probably wasn't Walburga, this voice was softer, warmer and more motherly. It could be one of her mother's friends, though Walburga Black didn't seem like the kind of person who had friends. In fact, she once said that friends were just excuses to borrow money and not pay it back. 

Ascella turned around and let out a sigh of relief, for the woman in front of her was not her mother. The voice belonged to a tall olive skinned woman, wearing a swirling red robe and a sunset coloured scarf around her head. A dark fringe poked out the front of her scarf and her red lips were smiling. 

"Hello, Sirius," she said, "James was just asking after you. I just need to borrow your sister, alright dear."
Sirius nodded and walked away, worriedly looking back at his sister. The woman turned to Ascella, still smiling. 

"I'm Euphemia Potter," she introduced herself, "James' mum. You're Ascella, correct?"
"Yes, I am." she answered.
"Your parents just asked me and my husband the most intriguing question."
Ascella swallowed hard. She did not like where this conversation could go. Euphemia seemed to have noticed Ascella's reaction and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I think I can assume you know what that question was, hmm?"
Ascella nodded. Euphemia was about to continue when a smiling man in glasses and red dress robes came up behind her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.
"Hello dear," the man said, "Is this Walburga and Orion's daughter? "
"Yes it is," Euphemia answered. She turned to Ascella. "This is my husband Fleamont."
Fleamont held out his hand and Ascella shook it confused. Hand shakes were supposed to be a man thing, at least that's what her parents had taught her. A lot of things her parents had taught her seemed to be wrong. Five years was a lot of time to be taught right, but apparently her parents couldn't do that.

"Now back to what we've discussed with your parents," Euphemia continued, "Understand that James will still be part of the equation, but if you do not want to marry my son, we will not make you."
"W-well I-" Ascella stuttered. 
"We don't care if you want to marry James or not. He may be our son but he isn't perfect for everyone and you've only just met him."
"I don't mean to cause offence, but I do not want to marry James. I'd rather get to know someone before I commit to marriage and I'm not even sure if I- never mind. But don't tell my parents I said this. Please."

Euphemia and Fleamont shared a look of knowing. Euphemia lent over to whisper in her husband's ear. Ascella couldn't quite make out what they were saying but it must be something about her, for they kept glancing towards her and nodding their heads. When they finished whispering, Euphemia turned to Ascella.
"How about you stay over here tonight? Sirius is already living here and James and his friends will be sleeping over too."

Ascella wanted to say yes, she wanted to say yes so badly. Staying at the Potter's house with Sirius sounded great but...
"I couldn't."
Fleamont's brow creased. "Why ever not?" he asked.
Euphemia seemed equally as confused, before realisation crossed her face, She nudged her husband, giving him a look that obviously said, I love you but shut up and let me handle this. 
"It's because of Regulus, isn't it love?" she soothed. 
"Yes," Ascella answered, "I couldn't leave him alone, not again."
"He could stay here too," Fleamont offered, "We'll tell your parents that we want to get to know you and your brother before you and James marry. Our house has anti-tracing charms, so they won't be able to find you. We only remove them for the ball, and then we place them back on again."

Ascella couldn't wait. The perfect plan to save her and Regulus from their parents. They would be free, even if it was only for a short while. Thank Merlin for the Potters, saviours of the lost.

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