(11) shut up about destiny

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the girls walked around the arena searching for sakura and ino.

"hey guys, over here!" sakura yelled signaling them to come over.

just as they started walking aori felt her eyes gaze in a different direction. walking inside the arena, she saw kiba and hinata headed towards their seats. "actually i'm gonna sit over there." aori nodded her head in his direction.

the girls looked over realizing who she was going to sit next to and smiled.

"do your thing girl." saito laughed patting her on the back.

"tell them we said hi!" jin smiled.

"yeah maybe not." aori smiled back sarcastically walking away.

meanwhile the other 3 girls proceeded towards sakura and ino.

"we didn't miss anything did we?" oni asked them.

"sasuke-kun isn't here yet." sakura said worriedly.

"sakura.. i know you're worried about sasuke, but at least cheer for naruto.. his match is about to start."

sakura looked up at the girls who all nodded in agreement with ino.

"yeah.. you're right."

"plus we all know he doesn't stand a chance against that neji anyway."

"don't underestimate him." saito glared.

"i want naruto to win don't get me wrong... but i really wanna see the hype behind this neji guy." oni huffed.

jin let out a slight chuckle, "you and me both."

"do you think genma sensei is disappointed that none of us made it through the exam?" saito asked as she watched her sensei

"of course not. we left for the sake of our team. that's all that matters." oni responded smiling at jin and saito.

jin gave a teethy smile to her two teammates.

"everyone, thank you very much for coming," the hokage began to speak gathering everyone's attention, "we will now begin the final round matches between the eight candidates who advanced in the preliminaries! please watch until the end, sit back and enjoy"

the crowd grew silent and sat up in their seats as genma began speaking to the candidates.

"what's on that paper genma's showing them i can't see!" saito huffed.

"i think there's been a change in some of the matches." ino responded, "the guy shikamaru is supposed to go up against isn't even there."

"sasuke still isn't here either." oni added.

naruto raised his hand, "hey.. hey!"

"what?" genma responded.

"sasuke's still not here, what's gonna happen?"

"in case a competitor does not arrive by the start time of his match.. he or she will lose by default."

"no way." jin gasped. "sasuke there's no way you wouldn't show up. not after all your training, and that outfit i worked so hard on. what's going on, did that gaara guy do something to you?"

"listen up you guys." genma began, "the terrain may be different but the rule is that there are no rules, same as the preliminaries, the matches will continue until one dies or admits defeat. however if i decide that a winner has already been declared, i'll stop the match before anyone's killed. no arguments or objections, got it?" he asked as they all nodded. "okay so the first match is uzumaki naruto versus hyuga neji. only those two remain on the terrain while the rest go upstairs to wait."

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