The fall of the Iron curtain

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Poland pov
I was angry as I was beginning to lose land as I am one of the last members of the Iron curtain with Czechaslovakia and Hungary barely hanging on.... This isn't good!

Vietnamese Empire pov
I smiled as the Iron curtain is falling thanks to the Algerian Empire and the People's Republic of India... I then smirked as pushing into the Soviets became easier... Good...

Soviet Union pov
I decided to call in communist China as they began to send their men to the numerous fronts as fast as possible... I must end this little Commnarchism idea before it spreads even more....

9 months later

Algerian Empire pov
My soldiers and the People's Republic of India celebrated as all of the Iron curtain has officially fallen... Then we began to push full onto to Moscow to end this before this costs even more lives...

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