Start from the beginning

"I can't directly tell you, so I'll give you hints, okay?"


"This surprise can't be hidden, for it is known far and wide. However, you know its story, but more off to the side. It can be here, there, and- anywhere! It is known for its talents by both young and old. Can you find where it'll be before others let its whereabouts go unfold?"


"Anything come to mind?"

"Like- right now?"

"Yeah? When else?"

"Well..there is ONE thing that came to mind."




"I know, I know. It's not what you mean, but you didn't specify what exactly you wanted to hear from me."

"You really like ramen, don't you?"



"How about I bring you some New York style ramen when I come back after my tour?"

"Yeah! Oh! Speaking of which- when are you coming back?"

"That...I can't say- but I can promise that it IS soon!"

"Okay! Well, I gotta go!"

"K, love you!"

"I love you, too, Kurama!"

"Tell mom and dad I said 'Hi!' Along with Iruka, too!"

"Got it. Do you want me to bring them those flowers you used to give them whenever we went?"

"That'd be awesome!"

"Okay, be safe you overgrown giant."

"I'm older and taller, not overgrown and giant. But, be safe you little fox cub."

"Was I THAT obsessed with them when I was little?"

"Yes. You tried to take a raccoon from the trash and keep it as a pet because thought it was a fox."


"Welp! Gotta go! The band and I gotta do some things before our concert later tonight."

"Bye, then."

"See ya!"

"You, too.."

With that, I hung up and continued eating. After eating, I went up to get a shower and started some actual studying for anything I may or may not have e missed in any of my classes today. I think I work extra just in case I miss a few chapters or lessons in any of my classes. So, I should start where we left off last time and continue from there. I'll do that for each class and go on to the next few lessons or chapters just in case I miss a lot. I walked into the bathroom with my pjs and got undressed. Just as I was about to get in, the bathroom door opened. I turned around to see Sasuke and immediately my face went red and I reached for the towel as Sasuke's face did the same as mine and he quickly closed the door apologizing. "I-I u-umm..uh..just w-want-ted to uh..."

The New Kid (Sasuke x shy/innocent Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now