Who is me?

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Maddison stands in front of her mirror with many thoughts. So many thoughts that she comes to the point she's giving herself a peptalk to her self.

"Okay!!" "Enough thinking Mads! Just press start streaming that's all it takes."

Maddison wanted to stream once for already over a year but never got to the point where she could actually do it. Nobody's home so there is nobody's to bother her right now.

-There are so many people streaming at the moment there is definitely no one going to join me-

She takes a deep breath and moves her mouse to the button 'go live!'.


And she's live! Another deep breath and she's ready to go. The topic is playing games so she starts up her Minecraft. It helps her get comfortable to be live. She enjoys it and even though nobody watched it it still made her happy.

A fey months go by of streaming 2 to 3 times a week without any one showing up.

"Why am I still doing this if no ones actually watching?"
"Lets just give up Maddison

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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