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yn - your name
ln - last name (not lando norris lmao)


I woke up very groggy the next morning, and rolled over to go back to sleep, but something in my way made me bolt upright.

Lando. Lando was in my bed. It hadn't been a dream. And as he was waking up, rubbing his eyes, i realised i was still naked. Shit. Quickly, i managed to grab a t-shirt from the floor and throw it on. The shirt earned a smirk from my roommate who, i was sure, was clothed when i fell asleep. He lay there in his boxers and my eyes couldn't help but admire him.

"Mornin'," he mumbled sleepily, "nice shirt... Probably a bit sweaty though."

My brows furrowed in confusion and i looked down to see what shirt i'd picked up, of course it was his. The one he was wearing last night, that i hadn't even known he'd taken off.

"I got more than your sweat last night," i chuckled, and he laughed in agreement, his cheeks flushing slightly.

Things were pretty normal after what had happened, which was a pleasent surprise. We went downstairs and he made me breakfast after we both got semi-dressed. I put a pair of pyjama shorts on and pulled a hoodie on over his shirt, and he grabbed a pair of shorts. I was pretty fucking certain that the lack of shirt was on purpose.

"So last night..." he started as he cracked a couple eggs into a jug.

"Yeah?" i looked up at him.

"How long have you watnted to do that?" he questioned.

I felt myself blush, "i'm not answering that." Since i met him.

He smirked, and that was all that was said about it. Unprompted, at least.

It was a monday, and i had to get ready for work around midday. I hopped into the shower after switching my music on, and relaxed into the water.

It didn't last long however, as when the water hit my sides, i winced and stepped out of the flow. Looking down at my sides, i smirked, he'd really done some damage. Deep scratches down my sides, and i'm quite sure you could see his handprints on my hips, plus small cuts where his nails had dug in.

I traced my hands over over my hips where i could see his hands had been, smirking to myself. "Fucking hell, i mumbled, admiring the damage he'd done.

"Lando?!" i shouted down to him, "c'mere a sec?"

He knocked on my door a second later, "what's up?"

I opened the door once i'd got my underwear on, "just look at my hips," i chuckled.

"Holy shit," he examined them, he lead me over to the bed and raised a brow up at me, then his eyes widened, "oh fuck... you uh-"

I frowned, "what?"

"Have you looked in a mirror today?" he sounded worried.

"What?" i questioned, "what are you-"

"Look at your neck," he said carefully.

"Holy fucking shit," i muttered as i saw the dark  bruising that was forming around my neck, "is that from your hands?"

He nodded, his face twisted into guilt, "maybe i went a little too rough."

I shrugged, "it was worth it." Though i was still looking in the mirror, wondering what i was going to do. I wasn't a makeup wearer, and even if i was, i wasn't sure i could cover it anyway, "i don't know what to do about it, mind."

See it wasn't like i could just wear something to hide it, i had to dress pretty smart. Most days i wore a little black dress, accompanying it with my boots, but none of my dresses would be even close to covering it up.

"Do you have any scarfs or anything?" he questioned.

"Not that i can wear on tv," i bit my lip. I worked for Sky news and i was usually the person interviewing everybody. That's how Lando and i met, "i might just call John and see if there's anything i can do about it."

So that's what i did. I was fairly close to John, he was one of those bosses that actually gave a shit, and i knew i could talk to him about anything with no judgement. Mostly.

"Hey, what's up? Are you okay?" he answered the phone.

"Yeah, hey," i smiled, "i'm not calling in sick don't worry. I just have a little query..."

"Of course, shoot!"

John, in the end, said that there was nothing he could do, but if i came in early, he'd take me to the make up team and see if they could help me out.

"So i'm going in early," i told Lando, "what time do you have to be there to get ready for interviews?"

"I'll drive you," he nodded, answering the question he knew i was going to ask. He went into his own room then, leaving me to get dressed. I pulled a dress on, a little black skater dress with a cute white collar, that zipped in the front so i could decide how much cleavage i want to show. I pulled a small white belt around my waist just to smarten the look up a little more, and pulled my boots on.

Nobody at work knew i lived with Lando, because we both agreed to keep it a secret to avoid the media coming at us both. So he pulled his car into the carpark and i got out first.

"Good luck," he chuckled as we said our goodbyes.

I went straight to John's office and knocked on the door as i took a deep breath. He shouted a come in and looked around as i stepped in and closed the door. "Hey, boss..."

He raised a brow, "you weren't joking when you said it was bad, then, huh?"

A laugh escaped his lips as i sighed, "i'm worried enough about it, please help."

"What did you say it's from?" he looked at properly as i went over to his desk. I didn't say what it was from; purposefully left that bit out.

"Um, i- well if i tell you, i'm telling you in confidence, okay?" i bit my lip nervously and he nodded, "i had someone over last night and i guess we got carried away."

"That's from their hands?" he looked shocked, and i considered showing him the pictures of the handprint bruises on my hips, but stopped myself. What if he figured out it was Lando?

I nodded, "i'm lucky i'm not an underwear model, he really did a bit of damage under the dress too."

"Whatever floats your boat, i'm not here to judge your sex life," he chuckled and stood up, "come on, lets get you to make up."

He led me down the winding corridors to the make up room. Sally the artist i sat with, gasped at the state of my neck, "is that- was that..."

"Consensual. I just didn't think it'd bruise," i told her, "well no, if i'm being honest, i didn't think about coming to work afterwards."

She nodded in understanding and got to work, however it was too much bruising and too dark to actually cover, especiallysince it was startingto form and you could see the slight outline of where his fingers had been. I'd have had to have been caked in the stuff for it to make a difference. So, in the end, i had go out anyway, and there was nothing i could do but acknowledge it.

"Hello! I am Yn Ln of Sky News, and firstly i'd like to apologize about my unprofessional look," i gestured toward my neck, "but today i'll be speaking to some of your favourite sportstars! Up first, Lando Norris!"

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