.The Tunnel Of Love.

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Emily looks where he was looking at "I heard about him. That jerk!". Eric sees where Max and Emily are standing. Eric face fills with anger, Eric starts to run towards them. Max grabs Emily's arm "LET'S GO! NOW" They both start to run away as Eric screams Max's name, while chasing after him. "MAX. YOU BITCH GET BACK HERE! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR LITTLE DOG" Max and Emily goes to big crowd to lose Eric and lucky they did for now. They stop running and look around trying to figure out where they are or if they can spot Sam and Jessica in the crowd of people. Emily "OH! Uhm she said something about taking Sam to the ferris wheel around like 2" Max checks the time on his phone "it's like 1:58" Emily say's to Max "PERFECT! LETS GO" Emily and Max make their way over there while trying to be stealthy.

Sam and Jessica are having a pretty good time, though Jessica keeps insisting to go to the ferris wheel for it will be romantic "Sorry Jess, i'm not very fond of heights" Sam said. Jessica holds Sam's hand "Oh come on sammy!! It can be really romantic~" Sam pulls his hand away from Jessica "i'll think about it" Jessica looks at Sam while he looks away. Sam breaks the awkward tension by saying "Oh look! Let's go on this ride" Jessica smiles and agrees while heading over there Sam's says "This reminds me the time me and Max went on a ride like this" Sam's laughs "Max thought it was a good idea to Eat 10 corndogs and then going on the ride" Jessica smile slowly goes down, as Sam keep's talking about Max. Jessica stops walking, Sam stops walking and turns to Jessica "Something wrong?" Jessica looks down, and stays quiet for a moment, Sam gets a worried expression on his face "Jessica?" Jessica, still looking down, says "You and Him are close.." Sam, not sure where this conversation is going, answers back "I mean..yeah. We have been friends since we were babies"

Jessica: "What do you think of him?"

Sam: "Well he can be wild and act cold or act like a clown but.."

Jessica: "but?"

Sam: "He's nice and caring deep down, He always understands me. And for some reason Max's wildness and crazy actions relaxes me.."

Jessica: "Sam..Do you like him?"

Sam, being surprised by Jessica's question, responds, "I-.." Jessica stop's him before he can even start his sentence with "Don't answer that..I know the answer" Jessica looks back up at Sam and with sad eyes but still has a smile on her face she says "Sam. Let's..."

Back with Max and Emily running away and hiding from Eric. Emily spots Jessica and Sam talking to each other "Max! Over there let's go!" Max follows her as they run towards the two over hearing them say.

Jessica: "I think it's for the best, i don't want to push you into something you don't want"

Sam: "Thank you for understanding"

Max: "Sam!!"

Emily: "Jessica!!"

Jessica and Sam turn to face them both, Max jumps and gives Sam a hug. Sam hugged him back confused by why Max did that. Emily also gives a big hug to Jessica. "You're safe!!" Max say's as Sam puts him down.

Jessica: "What do you mean?"

Emily: "Eric! He's here! He must have heard of your guy's date!"

Max: "And he isn't just after my head but also for yours!"

Sam: "Jumping elephants! That's bad."

Emily: "So what's the plan?"

Before the four of them can make a plan they hear a yelling from behind "MAX, SAM" It was Eric running towards them. Max grabs someone else's drink and throws it at Eric's direction hitting him on head. Max laughs "Score!! The crowd goes wild!!" Sam laughs at Max's comment but Eric becomes more furious as he starts to charging at them

(Sam x Max).Love Tunnel ride. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now