.Good Old Friends.

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As the sun shines throughout the town to a school known as OakLeaf high school. Two students standing behind the school right before the bell rings. A young boy stutters out the words ."Lucy we have been friends forever and I want to ask." the young girl steps closer and blushes "yes? Ben?.." the young boy says "will you.." he stops and hears a faint yelling coming from above the school "DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!" The 2 students scream and run away as a tub of weird green liquid pours down from the school roof and on to them.



Soon the laughing from max cuts off to the speakers from the school turn on

*Can Samuel and Maxwell please come to the principal office at ONCE*

Sam: "oh god- max!--"

Max- "oops- "

After they were done going to the principal office, They step outside and Sam say's "Max- when i get home I'm so dead-"

Sam's says as he covers his face with his hands and does a deep sigh

Max: "Aw come on Sammy! You're a goody two shoes, you need to lighten up! And besides that, it was hilarious! "

*Max laughs* "The faces of those two idiots running away as they were drenched into the weird green liquid found from the cafeteria sink!!Hah! It was so funny!"

Sam: "You crack me up little buddy *he says with a smile*

Now let's get to class, before we get into more trouble!"

As the two friends walk to their first English class english, Sam sits in front of the class and pretends to be paying attention and Max daydreams while sitting behind Sam. This day is just another School day for these juniors. Sam always being the nerdy, good kid he is at school and Max being the bad boy with a bad reputation but has a soft spot for Sam, he always did. They have been friends for years now since they were little kids. Together they cause trouble when they were with each other, nothing could get between their friendship.

(Sam x Max).Love Tunnel ride. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now