.The date.

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Sam wakes up early to change, while Max is still sound asleep. Sam goes to wake up Max for school but before he does, Sam gets lost into his thoughts as he sees Max calmly sleeping *Cute..* Sam thinks to himself, Sam wakes up Max gently as he says in a calm sweet tone "Max time to wake up" Max wakes up and sits up trying to remember what happened last night for Max was drunk and his memory was fuzzy, his head pounding from having a hangover. Max gets up and changes into the clothes he wore yesterday and only keeps Sam's shirt that he borrowed on. Sam blush while looking away from Max "You could have changed in the bathroom!"

Max: eh, to far

Max: What time is it?..

Sam: 7:50 am

Max: aghhh school doesn't start until 8:30

Sam: Well yeah, but you're not going to be late again!

Max: Sam..

Sam: hm?

Max walk's over where Sam is and pushes Sam down making Sam sit on the bed, Max makes eye contact with Sam. "Sam..What happened last night?" Sam blushes as he remembers calling Max his boyfriend back at the party and Kissing him when Sam brought him back to his home. Sam open's his mouth to speak but nothing comes out, Max still maintaining eye contact with Max still waiting for Sam's respond and finally Sam speaks up "Y-you got too drunk so i brought you here back to my room" Max look's at Sam with questionable eyes and says while leaning in closer "You sure?" Sam not really wanting to say what really happened last night, Sam responds back "Yup!..I'm sure" Max steps back and shrugs then says "Okay, i believe ya" Max starts to walk to the doorway and says "I need to go get my backpack from my house, meet you at school" he says and winks at Sam, Leaving Sam speechless and blushing. Sam gets up and takes out homework he didn't get to finish; from his backpack and starts to finish it before he goes to school but keeps getting distracted because all that he was thinking was Max. but he was still confused.

Max start's to speed walk back to school as he already got his backpack from home and Max wanting to see Sam again, He remembers everything from last night even what Sam said thinking Max was fully asleep, Max blushes at the thought of kissing Sam. Their lips touching, Max's heart beats faster as he realizes he made it to school, He spots Sam and Jessica talking outside of the school building. Max thinks "I'm going to tell him!" he starts to walk then runs towards Sam who is turned the other way, Max yells "SAM!" he says with a big smile on his face

Sam hear's Max's voice and say's "MAX!" as he is about to turn around to face Max. Jesscia see's Max and grabs Sam's face pulling him into a kiss, Max witnesses the kiss ,Max's big smile goes to a frown. Max's heart shatters into a million pieces "Sam..?" he says Sam's name, you could hear the pain in his voice. Jessica let's go of Sam and faces Max then says "oh hey Max!"

Sam quickly turns around and his eyes widen "M-Max! i-"

Max cuts off Sam and in a force happy tone he says "Sam!..Good job bud!"

Sam: "Max.."

Max: " I can see you and Jessica are together now!" saying those words burns his throat, Max bites his tongue and smiles trying to hide the pain

Jessica: "Yup we are! Isn't that great?!

Max nods and look's at Sam with his empty dull eyes, still smiling "I'm happy for you Sam." Max start's to walk backwards facing Sam and Jessica as he walks "See ya in class! you love birds!" and then turns back around as he enters the school building once he was out of sight from them both he rushes into the bathroom's, locking himself into one of the stalls and starts to breaking down into tears " how stupid am i?..of course he would like Jessica and not me.."

(Sam x Max).Love Tunnel ride. Book 1Where stories live. Discover now