Be Quiet

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Two years passed...

"What's this flower for? You're so annoying, ugh!", she exclaimed

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"What's this flower for? You're so annoying, ugh!", she exclaimed.

"Cuz I know you'll love it.", he responded. "Welcome to Korea, Love. At last, you granted my whole year wish. I miss you. How come it's hard for you to step your foot here? You hated Korea that much?"

"Hahaha. Well, I just love teasing you", she joked.

"Hmp. You'll gonna pay for all of that. I spent thousand dollars just to visit you wherever country you were, huh", he added.


"You must follow all my commands here."

"What the?! Why should I?", she raised her eyebrows.

"You're in my territory, Love. Don't ever forget that. Hahaha!"

"Yah! IM JAE BUM!"



IM JAE BUM. Jay B was known before as JB. He is a soloist under H1GHR Music and a leader of Got7.

Jay B is Skyleigh's current boyfriend. They met last year during Jay B's promotion in LA. Skyleigh's clothing company is one of Jay B's solo sponsors. They always met at big events in various countries and once introduced by mutual connections that helped them getting closer to each other. And now, they are in a relationship for a year.

Skyleigh for the past two years managed her businesses personally. She drowned herself at work in order to forget those frustration, jealousy, obsession and insecurities from her past. When she met Jay B, she tried to keep her distance cuz she wants to forget her fangirling soul. But her sponsorship managing team has a connection to Jay B's Team and proposed a sponsorship. His management accepted it since Skyleigh's clothing company is quite famous in Fashion industry.

When they started their relationship, they often met in America since Jay B had his debut in US or Jay B visited her to Philippines. Jay B asked Skyleigh for a few times to come with him in Korea after his US debut tour but she declined. She was still not ready to face Korea. After a year, she then decided to move on and wanted to face her fear. Her fear to face Monsta X.

Skyleigh deactivated all her SNS to focus on her businesses. She made herself busier from time to time to move on and lighten her heavy heart. She started her overseas branching especially US. Her company slowly rising overseas and manage to put her brand on a top list. But she remains low key as possible. In her every sponsorship or collab contract signing, she sent Attorney Gomos and Secretary Wang. She doesn't want to get the spotlight with her appearance for reasons.

GodDamn RotateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora