Fly With Me

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After having a hectic schedule due to our comeback's promotions, we were given a one day off.

Kihyun and Minhyuk were busy recording on their day off. Shownu still taking a rest for his injury. I.M and Hyungwon were also into composing. But Jooheon? Was staying at his studio most of the time and will only come out if they have schedules outside. Jooheon was heartbroken these past few days after the issue.

I.M: Jooheon hyung, you wanna drink?

Jooheon: I'm good. Thanks.

I.M: Hyung, let's go out. You need fresh air.

Jooheon: I'm okay.

I.M: Hmm okay. But whatever you're feeling right now hyung, I am positive that you'll get over soon. See you later Hyung. Make sure to eat, huh. I love you.

Jooheon: I will. I love you too.

Everyone are worried in Jooheon's state. They were not used to that behavior of him. He was always jolly but now, he seems like mourning. They all tried to persuade him to go out but nothing works so far. No one knows what happened next after the issue of his dating rumors.

I.M: Hyungwon hyung.

Hyungwon: Yeah?

I.M: Wanna drink?

Hyungwon: Yeah but I need to finish this first.

I.M: Okay. I'll go first and join me afterwards.

Hyungwon: Okay.

I.M went first to the bar where he used to drink. As he is about to sit at the bar counter, the two drunk men caught his attention who were messing with the lady. What caught his attention is when the drunk man raised his hand to slap the lady.

"Hey Baby. Sorry I'm late. Don't drink here without companion. It's dangerous."

She looked at me cuz I was holding her waist to ake the drunk men leave. Our eyes met. I carefully take off my arms in her.

I.M: I'm sorry I did that. You were in bad situation meeting those two. They were one of those most feared customers here for being filthy rich. I was told also that they were friends with the owner of this bar so we don't have a choice but if possible never cross path from them.

Her: (bottoms up her drink) I can manage.

I.M: You don't know what they can do.

She ordered another drink.

Her: But I know what I can do.

I.M: You're quite a stubborn, aren't you?

Drank all the liquid in her glass.

Me: F*ck your own business, will you?!?!

She ordered another drink which is too strong and drank it all like no tomorrow.

She paid her drinks and left.

I.M: What an aggressive woman. I was just trying to help.

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