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Skyleigh: Kids, are you full?

Kid1: Super full Noona. This is my first time to feel full.

Kid2: Me as well. Thank you again for the foods Noonas.

Estelle: Shhh~ This kids. You'll go home straight, okay? So that your family can eat as well. Foods are best when it's still warm.

Kids: Yes Noona. We will.

Skyleigh: Where do you leave?

Kid1: We are just living in that second corner Noona. (pointing the 2nd corner of the street)

Skyleigh: Ah good. We will walk with you.

Kid2: No need Noona. We can walk by ourselves. We don't want to bother you more.

Skyleigh: It's not bothering us at all. Right Unnie?

Estelle: Yes of course. It's our pleasure to at least help you a little bit.

Kid1: Thank you so much Noona. We will go now.

Skyleigh: We will walk you home. I insist. No more 'nos' and 'buts'. Let's go.

Kids: Okay Noona.


Skyleigh and Estelle walked them home. As they arrived, Skyleigh's tears automatically dropping.

 As they arrived, Skyleigh's tears automatically dropping

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Skyleigh: Are you all staying here?

Kid1: Yes Noona.

Estelle: Where's your parents?

Kid1: Wait Noona. Omma, Appa!

Kid1 Mom: Why? Did you bring any foods?

Kid1: Yes Omma. A lot of foods.

Kid2: Grandma, I brought a lot of goods too.

Kid2 Grandma: Come here. I'm hungry.

Kid1 little sister: Oppa, I am hungry.

Kid1: Here. Eat this. Ma, where is Appa?

Kid1 Mom: He works part time in the market. Let's eat now. Where did you get these many foods?

Kid2: Big sisters bought these to us.


They looked at us with disbelief.


Kid2 Grandma: Ma'am, thank you so much for all of this.

Skyleigh: No problem Grandma. How long are you living here in the streets?

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