I grabbed a piece of chalk from his hand and started to erase what he had drawn. I glanced back at him to see that he had a pout in his lips now making me giggle. I drew a rough perimeter of Corona and started marking areas around it. "If I place the sigils in these spots, then they should all join together to create one big toadstool ring around the kingdom. Once it's there, the only thing we need to do is tend to it to make sure it doesn't die." I took a different colored chalk and started marking a few areas between the first markings. "I can also place protection bags, spell jars, or do rituals in these areas to add extra support." I said before turning around to see Varian staring at the board.

"This should work! Now all I need to do is get Rapunzel's approval and I can get started! While I'm there, we can discuss about the witch trial!" I said before hugging him quickly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you big time, Sapphs!" I said about to leave when he caught my hand in his. "And where do you think you're going?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "T-to go get this approved." I said softly and he shook his head no. "You just made a breakthrough! We need to celebrate." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Varian, you made a breakthrough." I said and he shook his head no. "Whenever you help me with my experiments and you have a breakthrough, you always say it's mine and that we have to celebrate. Now come on. My treat." Varian said and I sighed. "You're not going to take no for an answer are you?" I asked and he shook his head no. I sighed dramatically making him laugh before nodding. "What are we gonna do?" I asked and he thought for a moment.

"Do you want ice cream?" He asked and I nodded. "I always want ice cream." I said and he nodded. "Alright, it's settled. We'll go to Monty's, get ice cream, and we can even go and get your plans approved." Varian said and I smiled. "Sounds like a plan." I said starting to walk away only for him to pull me back to him again. I pouted up at him as he stared down at me.

"You still owe me something." He said with a smirk and I pouted more. "But ice cream." I drew out and Varian only stared down at me with the same smirk. "Fine." I said rolling my eyes and one of his arms snuck around my waist and pulled me into him even more.

Varian kissed me and my arms snuck around his neck. Our lips moved in sync as his other arm went around my waist pulling me closer so our hips were against each other. My hands ran through his hair and my fingers pulled on his hair gently as Varian deepened the kiss. The kiss was passionate and I could feel all of his emotions for me flowing through it. I was sending all my love and affection right back to him. I felt Varian bite my bottom lip lightly before he pulled away to kiss the corner of my mouth. His right hand moved up my side and to my jaw as he tilted my head to the side. He trailed light kisses along my jawline before starting to kiss down the right side of my neck.

Varian pulled away from my neck to look at me up and down with his left hand in his pockets before placing a quick kiss on my lips. He pulled away just as fast as he had kissed me. Varian smirked down at me and I could feel my face become a dark red. Varian's smirk widened as he looked me up and down once more before walking away from me. I stood their stunned for a few moments as I processed what had just happened. "What just happened?" I asked myself and Varian chuckled. "Come on, love. If we don't hurry, Monty will be closed by the time we get there." Varian said from behind me and I heard the door to the lab open and shut as I was still left there stunned. "What the actual fuck just happened?" I asked myself again before I finally regained myself and slowly made my way outside the lab.

Varian was waiting outside for me and I pouted at him. "You better still be buying." I said and he laughed before nodding. "Don't worry, milady. I'm still paying." He said and I nodded. After a bit of comfortable silence I spoke up. "When we get there, can we walk around Corona so I can make a more realistic map of where to put each sigil?" I asked and Varian thought for a moment. "I don't see why not. But we're getting ice cream first." He said and I giggled. "Obviously." I said and we continued walking before Varian made me stop. "Is something wrong?" I asked and Varian moved in front of me and crotched down slightly. I giggled before jumping onto his back. He adjusted me and started walking again.

I ran my fingers through his hair and even braided small pieces of it leaving them there for him to find later. "(Y/n), I just realized something." He said and I rested my head on his shoulder. "And what's that?" I asked softly next to his ear. "Neither of us won the bet. You know, the one from the treasure hunt." He said and I pinched his earlobe making him try to use his shoulder to get my hand away from his ear. "Actually, I won. I got there first." I said and he shook his head no. "Uh, no. I specifically said, the first person to touch the treasure, and neither of us touched it." He said and I pinched his cheeks lightly. "I know. That's why I found a loophole." "A loophole? What are you talking about?" He asked and I reached into my satchel before pulling out a rolled up piece of parchment. I unrolled it and held it in front of his face for him to read.

He murmured what was written on the parchment before gasping. "You dirty little cheater!" He said dropping his arms from my thighs to grab the note to read again. I squeaked in surprise and wrapped my limbs around him tightly trying not to fall. "Slipping, slipping, slipping!" "There is no way she actually signed this." "Read it and weep, baby!" I said as I successfully kept myself from falling. "Now, as my reward for being the best treasure hunting witch in all the seven kingdoms, you shall be my servant for the entire day!" I said and Varian groaned before placing his arms back around my thighs. "This is what I get for bringing it up." He said and I could practically feel him rolling his eyes as I laughed.

"You're just upset that I'm smarter than you, Sapphires." I said placing a soft kiss to his cheek. "Now for my first task as your ruler for the day, we shall venture to the great kingdom of the Sun and fight off the mighty heat that the land possesses!" I said dramatically and Varian laughed. "Whatever you say, milady." He said and I suddenly gasped.

"Since I'm in charge, that means I can make you do anything I want right?!" I asked only now understanding the power I had over him today. "N-no! Don't get any ideas!" Varian said and I smirked. "Oh, I'm getting more than just ideas, love. I have plans." I said and he groaned. "Please don't make me do anything stupid. The kingdom already hates me, I don't want them to think even worse of me." He said and I took his goggles from his head and replaced it with my witch hat before putting his goggles on my head. "You worry too much. I'll only make you do something to our friends. And it won't even be that bad. It'll be fun!" I said and I could feel him doubting me. "We'll forget about getting the plans approved today, we can worry about that later. I want to fully enjoy this once in a life time opportunity!"

We had made it to the edge of the city not long after. "Hey, Sapphires?" I asked as I placed my head on his shoulder. "Yes, milady?" He asked. "What we're you going to have me do if you won the bet?" I asked and he smirked. "Oh, nothing too bad. I was just going to make you do all of my chores for a week in a maid outfit." He said and I gasped. "You truly are diabolical!" I said and he laughed. "It wouldn't have been that bad. You don't understand how cute you would look in a maid outfit. Like you always look cute, beautiful, and adorable, but take all of that and put it in a maid outfit. You can't tell me that you wouldn't be adorable, because we both know you would be." He said and I giggled with a soft blush as I saw how his eyes lit up at the thought.

Varian kept walking towards Uncle Monty's sweet shop when we saw Lance and Eugene. "Witchy, Hair stripe, what brings you over to the city? Not that we don't appreciate seeing either of you." Eugene quickly defended himself and Varian and I laughed. "Varian over here lost a bet and now we're getting ice cream." I said and Lance nodded. "Ah, young love and the bets they make against each other. If only I had someone to share bets with." Lance said dramatically while Eugene rolled his eyes.

"We're also here to get Rapunzel's approval on where (Y/n) wants to put up protection." Varian said and I nodded. "What are you gonna do? Put gargoyles on every street corner?" Eugene said trying to joke but I thought for a moment. "You know gargoyles are actually a great way to protect yourself. I should talk to Rapunzel about that maybe." I said and Varian nodded. "We can even make them look ugly and terrifying." "Yeah! Like how Eugene looks when he's crying." I said with a giggle and Lance and Varian laughed. Eugene gasped and pointed a finger at me. "How did you know I'm an ugly crier?!" He asked and I smirked at him. "I have my ways. Come on, Sapphs, I want ice cream!" I said throwing both of my arms up. "Of course, milady. Whatever you say." He said and I waved to Lance and Eugene as we went to get ice cream.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora